Keanu Reeves was ‘the’ highlight of Microsoft’s Xbox E3 conference

Keanu Reeves in the upcoming Xbox game Cyberpunk 2077. Photo: YouTube | Cyberpunk 2077

Audiences at the Microsoft Xbox E3 conference in Los Angeles yesterday got a chance to view the trailer for Cyberpunk 2077. And boy, were they in for a surprise.

The end of the trailer showed a digital Keanu Reeve’s telling them to “Wake the f**k up, samurai. We have a city to burn.” After the trailer actually did end, the man himself took the stage to present the game to the E3 audience.

Reeves coyly admitted to the audience that he’s no gamer himself. However, he expressed his excitement to have a role in Cyberpunk 2077. While delivering his teleprompter script, the actor calls the experience of the game “breathtaking”. After which, one of the most iconic Keanu moments went down.

Someone from the audience audibly yelled out that the actor was breathtaking. You know, just casually preaching the truth. Reeves, as someone who doesn’t know how to take a compliment because he’s that humble, is obviously taken aback. He was quickly able to recover and answered back, “You’re breathtaking!” before emphasizing that everyone is breathtaking.

Of course, the people of Twitter had hilarious reactions to the moment. One user posted a GIF of Reeves in his unforgettable cameo in the movie Always Be My Maybe, as a response to hi calling us all breathtaking. Yes, including you and me.

Another user pointed out that Xbox and Cyberpunk 2077 finally figured out what people really want from a game.

In another Tweet, a user pointed out the obvious.

Indeed, Keanu Reeves is a treasure and we must protect him at all costs.

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