Interesting facts about kitchen quartz countertops
Photo: Artazum LLC, BS

If you are thinking about kitchen quartz countertops then there are a few facts that you probably should be aware of before finalising your purchase. Quartz countertops are an excellent choice for your kitchen because it provides and interesting focal point for the heart of your home.

If you are looking for a quality stone to last the distance as well as the general wear and tear that your typical kitchen space gets, then this type of stone is one of the better options. Many people understand this and therefore explains why it is one of the most popular choices right around the world.

Have a look below at some of the interesting facts about kitchen quartz countertops that you probably didn’t know:

1. All originate from same source

Kitchen quartz countertops are a form of engineered stone that all comes from the same source. It consists of natural stone with polymers, then eliminating all air, then heating and shaping. This process makes it have the feel and look of a natural stone.

This process was developed by the Breton company and has been licensed to over 50 other businesses world wide, including the famous Caesarstone business.

Each company does certainly have their own personal touch, but the process does largely remain the same. As well as this, there is a lot of effort that is required if the business wanted to make any changes to create a unique option.

2. Quartz is more popular than you think

While you typically think of kitchen quartz countertops, there is actually more areas where quartz can be found. Quartz is also used in large areas such as airports or even shopping centers. So next time you are out and about, have a look at what you are walking on!

The beauty of quartz is that it can be used in a number of different sizes. From large slabs on the floor in an airport to the smaller sizes in your kitchen, there are a lot of different options available.

3. Made from recycled material

Many stone materials that are used to make quartz countertops are usually all waste products of other manufacturing activities. Generally speaking, no stone is extracted solely for the use to produce quartz countertops.

This makes kitchen quartz countertops the ideal option if you are looking to save a bit of money. It also helps give the stone an interesting and unique look, which is great to show off in your kitchen.

4. Countertops aren’t all quartz

As alluded to in the previous point, these countertops aren’t actually made of solid quartz, because of the fact that there is quite a bit of recycled material that is used. Other materials like, marble, granite, glass, ceramic, natural stone, mirrors, and a number of different things are used to complete the countertop.

When all this material is put together it gives the quartz countertop look and feel that you have come to know. Different businesses will make their quartz using a slightly different method and therefore the actual amount of quartz used will certainly differ.

5. Competition with granite is no more

Back in the day quartz was trying to compete with natural stone. It needed to build up its status as a quality version of granite. Now this competition no longer really exists with quartz forging its own category that consumers have come to know and love.

Take Caesarstone for example, it is one of the most popular variations at the moment right around the world. So much so that this sub category of quartz has even more sub categories involved. Quartz is quickly becoming the go to alternative and is quite popular.

6. Rising popularity of quartz lowers price of granite

As more and more people start to choose quartz, it means that granite is becoming less popular and therefore lower demand. With lower demand comes lower prices, this is good news if you are looking for something different in granite countertop.

So if you are thinking about installing kitchen quartz countertops, then these are the facts you should know. It is important you have all the details before making a final decision. You should also look to consult an expert. Have the expert come to your house and inspect your kitchen.

They will be able to offer the own expert opinion and thoughts on what would work best in your kitchen. They may also have computer software that would show you what each type of stone would look like in your kitchen before any final choices are made.

If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to granite but not willing to comprise on quality, then quartz may be the right option for you. The process allows for the cheaper price and there are popular options like Caesarstone to choose from.

By Mike Smith

Executive Editor at Best in Australia. Mike has spent over a decade covering news related to business leaders and entrepreneurs around Australia and across the world. You can contact Mike here.

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