How is artificial intelligence changing the face of web design and development?

It was not very long ago when the web developers used to build websites using HTML and they could shape a website with just a few code lines as the web pages were simply made of text content and few images. That was really the early years of web as a tool for businesses.

Thereafter, websites continued to incorporate graphics and animation and then complex software features became the new normal of standard web experience. Thus the web evolved over all these years and finally we now have a web that looks and feels like a piece of software application rather than just a space for publishing content.

Following this evolutionary path, we now have more intelligent web where the artificial intelligence has started to facilitate automation of web design tasks to deliver great user experience. In more than one way artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the face of web design and development. For any web development services company, understanding these ways of change brought by AI is extremely important. Here we are going to explain a few of them.

Predicting user responses in chatbot interactions

The principal utilisation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world of web can be found when chatbots can answer to users based on precise predictions of user responses and user expectations.

Intelligent Chatbots by accurately predicting the user feedback can respond more appropriately to satisfy user intents. This obviously results in improved user experience.

Thanks to this capability of intelligent chatbots businesses can get hold of human feelings and expectations to make the communication more satisfactory and audience centric. Thanks to chatbots businesses can create better psychological and emotional impact on the audience and can influence their purchasing decisions.

Machine learning to help learn user behaviour

Machine Learning, as a subset of Artificial Intelligence technology, is continuously adding value to the web by learning from user behaviour and accordingly tweaking the user experience attributes.

This is why when you buy something on Amazon, the store remembers your choice and accordingly makes recommendations as per your budget and preference that are more likely to be preferred by customers.

Machine learning technology helps the web to suggest content or recommend products or services to the users or customers by analysing the past online choices, purchases, browsing history and online behaviour.

Sending personalised messages

The success of marketing largely depends on sending the right messages to the right audience at the right context and right moment. This is another area where artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a really important role.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered algorithms can analyse the business data, competitors data and target user data to decipher the right contexts, conditions, timing and type of marketing messages that can be useful for driving sales for different customer groups.

Facilitating a highly personalized web experience

One of the most important outcomes of AI based innovations for the web is the personalised web user experience. As artificial Intelligence (AI) technology plays a critical role in understanding the user intent and customer behaviour more precisely, this allows businesses to shape their offerings, communication and user experience in a personalised manner.

Thanks to AI, websites and online stores can make more accurate predictions on demands and accordingly marketers can take measures to boost sales.

The increasing role of intelligent voice search

In recent years, AI technology has become the part and parcel of online search functions along with the popularity of voice search. The combination of intelligent search function and voice search offered us a new dimension called intelligent voice search.

An increasing number of people these days prefer searching Google and other search engines by using the voice commands. The AI technology is helping this voice search more intelligently with user specific recommendations based on unfinished search terms or the user intent perceived from the previous searches.

While voice search has already become a key feature for all major content platforms and ecommerce stores to facilitate maximum ease and flexibility, the AI technology with its capability to make user centric recommendations is improving this voice search further.

The role of AI in improving web design output

AI based tools are also playing a vital role in optimising the web design output. Since most web design experts are not great developers and vice versa, bringing their mutual gap is important for optimised web experience and this is where AI tools play an important role. Before you hire dedicated developers for your web project, understand how some AI tools can help you alongside developers.

Now web projects can use sophisticated AI tools like virtual assistants to ensure a streamlined and smooth web design and web development process. The AI powered virtual assistants by making different queries from diverse user perspectives can fetch people’s answers and the designers can use these verified insights as the basis of their design exercises.

AI for improving the SEO quotient of a website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains the backbone of all exercises that focus on improving visibility, enhancing web traffic and boosting business conversion through the web. This is another area where AI based tools can play an important role in getting better results in search ranks.

AI based SEO tools can help in easier data mining and using the data driven insights to detect issues and problems in the website structure and content. These intelligent tools can easily help you understand the shortcomings of your content in relation to the requirements for achieving consistent search engine rank.

AI powered recommendation engines

The biggest impact of AI has been in gaining insights from user behaviour and actions that can be utilised to make precise recommendations of products and services for the customers.

Most of the leading e-commerce stores and subscription based content services grab help of these recommendation engines and intelligent referral solutions to recommend products and services that the audience is more likely to find appropriate. From Amazon to Netflix, every online platform is now utilising AI based recommendations.


The rising importance of the web in shaping the web needs to be emphasised more than what we explained so far. Still now, the use of AI based tools and solutions is at their nascent stage and with the passing of time they are likely to be more rigorous and era defining to shape the future of the web beyond recognition.

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