How can cosmetic dentistry help you have good teeth?

What does the word “cosmetic” make you think? Does it remind you of all the glamorous stuff that looks good only from the outside? You are amongst many others that think so. We have been seasoned to think so. Hence, when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, we tend to relate it to vanity only.

But apart from this vanity, the functional benefits of cosmetic dentistry are often neglected. Cosmetic dentistry has served the functional aspects of teeth from the very beginning. For example, having your teeth aligned properly can make your smile look perfect. At the same time, it solves the problems you face due to misaligned teeth in chewing your food.

Let us learn about how cosmetic dentistry treatments bring a shiny smile on your face.

1. Teeth bonding

Teeth bonding is used to fix a defect or imperfection within a tooth. Bonding can be used when a tooth is decayed or deformed due to an accident. In the case of chip-off, bonding can help restore the tooth to its original shape. Bonding is also used to increase the length of the desired front teeth. This method can also fill gaps between teeth.

2. Composite fillings

Composite fillings are made to resemble the colour of natural teeth. It is used to restore decayed or weak teeth. Composite fillings use resin material which is strong and can withstand the forces inside the oral cavity. They are used in root canal treatments to fill the gaps within a hollow tooth and make it as strong as before.

3. Dentures

Dentures come in a variety of types, mainly classified as partial and complete. Dentures are an age-old teeth replacement method. You can remove them any time you need. Partial as well as complete dentures are one of the cost-effective solutions for teeth loss. Their only disadvantages being the need to repair and replace them quite often, and they are messy to clean. They are useful for all those who have weak jawbones.

4. Bridges

Just like their name suggests, bridges are used to fill a gap or join two teeth having a hollow space between them. Implying that bridges help replace missing teeth. Supposedly someone loses a tooth and the adjacent teeth are intact, bridges help fill the void left by the missing teeth using the adjacent teeth as anchors. Bridges can be fixed on the adjacent teeth and they also come with clasps. These clasps can also be fixed on the adjacent teeth.

5. Dental implants

Dental implants are the most long-lasting way of replacing missing teeth. This method involves inserting titanium implants that work as roots into a jawbone. Once the implants are inserted, the surgical area is allowed to heal which can take up to 3 months. During this healing period, the implants amalgamate and become one with the jawbone. After the healing is done, the final cap or artificial tooth is fixed on the implants. Dental implants can be used to replace any number of teeth. When replacing an entire row of teeth on a jawbone, they can be fixed on 4, 6, or 8 implants.

6. Dental veneers

Dental veneers are thin slices of ceramics (porcelain), which are placed on top of the front surface of a tooth. They help restore broken tooth structures. Often when a person falls on their face by accident, dental injuries include chipped teeth. If the broken tooth has sharp edges it can harm the insides of the person’s mouth, resulting in bleeding from gums or slits to the tongue. When applying dental veneers, dentists first smoothen those sharp edges and level the enamel. Veneers are then bonded to the tooth surface using dental cement. Veneers are also used in case of extreme discolouration and alignment of teeth.

7. Traditional braces

Traditional braces are the classic orthodontic treatment that many of us have gone through during childhood. Braces help align mild to severe dental misalignments. Teeth that are overcrowded, or have a crossbite, underbite, overbite, etc. are known as misalignments. As we already discussed above, these misalignments can result in difficulty while chewing food. Cleaning such misaligned teeth is also an issue and when not done properly, can give rise to tooth decay and infection. Traditional braces help you have better-aligned teeth.

8. Clear aligners

Clear aligners are the modern replacement for traditional braces. Their name suggests that these aligners are virtually transparent which are made of medical-grade thermoplastics. They can treat light to mild dental misalignments and are best used by grown-ups or people who feel it awkward to have traditional braces showing on their teeth. when you wear clear aligners, people can hardly notice them on your teeth, and you get the liberty of smiling without being conscious about the metal showing.

9. Dental crowns

Dental crowns are made up of various materials including metals and ceramics. The most popular dental crowns used these days are made up of porcelain as they resemble natural teeth. Dental crowns are used after treating tooth decay or in case of tooth damage due to accidents. Dental crowns help strengthen teeth when not much of their structure is left. They are like caps that enclose a damaged tooth from all sides. With technology such as CEREC, porcelain crowns and veneers can be made within a few minutes at a dentist’s clinic. You no longer need to wait for weeks to get a crown after root canal treatment or meeting with an accident.

10. Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening may look like the most superficial of dental treatments to those who do not believe in cosmetic dentistry. But apart from brightening your teeth, whitening can help remove old plaque deposited on your teeth. It takes you one step further into teeth cleaning. When you get bright teeth, you start taking good care of them and may avoid habits that discolour your teeth such as smoking.

These were some benefits of cosmetic dentistry treatments that prove it is not all about good looks. Of course, we don’t say looking good and having healthy teeth at the same time can hurt anyone! Take care of your teeth the way they deserve and visit your dentist for regular check-ups.

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