HBO’s Chernobyl is IMDB’s highest rated tv show of all time

HBO’s Chernobyl is IMDB’s highest rated tv show of all time
A still from HBO miniseries Chernobyl. Photo: HBO

Now that Game of Thrones has officially ended, HBO was quick to fill the void on our screens with drama miniseries, Chernobyl. With just four episodes aired, the show topped AMC’s Breaking Bad and another HBO hit, The Wire.

Chernobyl replaced ‘Thrones’ as the series that everyone wants to talk about. The historical miniseries follows the aftermath of the Chernobyl plant explosion in Ukraine. The compelling and tragic story of the characters has audiences from all over the world hooked on the show.

If that is not enough to convince anyone who hasn’t jumped in on the historical drama here is the only thing you need to know: The show is currently the Internet Movie Database’s (IMDB) highest-rated TV series in the history of television.

There’s still no word as of yet if the miniseries will continue on into a full blown show with multiple seasons. We’re guessing it won’t with just two more episodes remaining but who knows? Maybe HBO will notice that the people have hailed it as what is basically the best show ever.

It is not to say that the fan voting system of IMDB isn’t foolproof. But even so, the realistic and painstaking retelling of the events surrounding the Chernobyl explosion is hard to ignore. It will leave you curious and finally wanting more with it’s stunning cinematography and phenomenal performances from lead actors Emily Watson, Stellan Skarsgard, Jared Harris and more.

You can watch the show on your regular HBO subscription or on HBO Go for online streaming.

By Ben Hornery

Ben is is a senior journalist and sport columnist for Best in Australia. He previously worked for the BC and other radio stations.

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