Donald Trump trashes Parasite for winning Best Picture

Source: Donald Trump mocks Oscar winner film Parasite, The Telegraph | YouTube

United States President Donald Trump is at it again, this time mocking the results of the Academy Awards for awarding the Oscar for best picture to Parasite.

In a rally in Colorado, the United States President expressed his confusion that a foreign film could bag the biggest award of the event.

Trump snarkily (and confusingly) told the Colorado crowd how bad the Academy Awards results were this year because a film from South Korea won the best picture. Trump also voiced out that the United States has problems with South Korea in terms of trade and that giving Parasite the nod for best picture was a farce, asking the people if the movie was even good.

Trump also showed his age and albeit obliviousness when he added: “Let’s get Gone with the Wind…Can we get Gone with the Wind back, please?” saying that there were a lot of amazing movies to win the award, kind of showing that he was detached on the musings within Hollywood and the international film scene.

Parasite distributor Neon saw the rally and reacted on Trump’s criticism towards the film and said that it was understandable because the President cannot read.

In an Academy Award first, Parasite won both best picture and best international film. The movie also got the nod for both screenplay and direction and is the very first non-English film to have won the best picture.

This was not the first time Trump shot at the Academy Awards; back in 2017, the United States President criticized them for announcing the wrong best picture winner. In an interview with Breitbart News, Trump said that it is because they were so keen on politics that led to their blunder in the event.

Trump didn’t just go off on the South Korean film, he also had his crosshairs on Brad Pitt. The United States President singled out the actor for apparently being a ‘wiseguy’ and voiced out that he never was a fan of the proverbial leading man.

During his acceptance for winning the best-supporting actor for his performance in Once Upon a Time…In Hollywood, the actor told the Oscar audience that the Academy only allowed him 45 seconds for his speech, which he said was 45 seconds more that was allowed to John Bolton by the U.S. Senate.

Trump lashing out at the Academy is a somewhat unconventional precedent and a total 360 from his predecessors. Former United States presidents before him either participated in the ceremony or ignored it altogether. The 1941 Academy Awards was opened by Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 2013 Michelle Obama presented the Oscar for best picture from the White House and a lot more from other politicians.

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