Batwoman production assistant paralyzed after suffering accident on set

One of the CW’s newest and most popular television dramas has suffered another setback as a production assistant who worked on Batwoman suffered an injury on set which left her paralyzed from the waist down.

While working under Vancouver’s Georgia Viaduct while being on location to prep a setup last March 11th, 30-year-old Amanda Smith was hit by a lift’s bucket on her head, this according to a GoFundMe page set up for the production assistant.

According to the Vancouver Sun, the production assistant was facing away from the machine and was not able to hear the lift due to the sound of the ongoing traffic above her according to Tyler Mancuzzo, Smith’s friend and workmate who help set up her GoFundMe page.

“She was literally just sitting there and it came down on top of her,” said Mancuzzo.

According to reports, the Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia (WorkSafeBC) has started an investigation regarding the incident.

A representative from Warner Bros. TV told Deadline that Smith is a valued member of the Batwoman production crew and their thoughts and prayers are sent her way for a speedy recovery. The Warner Bros. representative added that they are closely working with WorkSafeBC to contribute any information that WorkSafeBC will need for the investigation. The representative stated that they will continue to strive for the protection, safety, and health of their entire cast and crew.

Due to the accident, Smith endured serious spinal injuries like a burst vertebrae and was immediately taken to Vancouver General Hospital for emergency surgery. Smith’s GoFundMe page states that she will be unable to work for the foreseeable future and will need help to make ends meet until she fully recovers. The message goes on to say that they don’t want Smith to worry about her financial situation as she traverses these tough times.

The GoFundMe was initially set to a $50,000 goal but has been changed to $100,000. As of this writing, Smith’s GoFundMe has reached over $70,000 for her rehabilitation. Deadline has also reported that Batwoman’s production team has reached out to Smith’s family to offer them assistance.

This wasn’t the first accident that Batwoman had endured. Ruby Rose who stars as the titular character of the show suffered a broken neck while doing a stunt for several hours that needed surgery after weeks of having chronic pain. The injury almost paralyzed the Australian actress but has since recovered.

Alain Ang
Alain Ang
Alain Ang is an editor for Best in Au. He enjoys writing about entertainment, movies, and lifestyle. On off days he spends his time with his rescue dogs, Sansa and Heart, digging holes in Minecraft, and developing his novel.
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