Allan Diel Caranguian

Allan Diel Caranguian is an SEO writer, social media strategist, and Globe Reviews, founder. He loves spending time with friends and traveling. Allan is originally from the Philippines, where he was the first of four siblings. He enjoys teaching locals about new social knowledge whenever he has the opportunity. Allan Diel is a wordsmith. He loves to write, and he loves to help people learn. Allan has spent the last few years working as an Information Officer for his municipality. In this role, he was tasked with writing news content that was published through the Baggao Information Office. Allan is passionate about helping people understand the world around them, and he hopes to continue writing and educating others in his free time. Allan Diel Caranguian is a freelancer who helps many websites to improve their traffic. He has been working in this field for many years, and he has learned a lot of techniques that can help websites get more visitors. Allan enjoys helping others, and he is always willing to share his knowledge with others.

A fresh perspective on eLearning: what you’re not seeing

eLearning is often seen as a solitary activity- a student sitting in front of a computer, but this is not…