Each year, millions of consumers spend billions of dollars just on weight loss products and programs, while the rate of obesity continues to rise. With plenty of options available to choose from, how can it possibly be so easy to choose the right diet that will help you lose weight and keep it off for good? To help make it easier, we’ve put together the best 5 tips on how to choose a weight loss program and what to look for:
Check for safety and credibility:
Before you get started on any weight loss program, you will need to have your physician evaluate the status of your health, check for any precautions and give their approval. A top-quality program should have credentials such as registered dietitians, certified fitness professionals, and health coaches.
Realistic claims & outcomes:
Even though programs that say “Lose 10 pounds in 3 days” may sound tempting, the truth is that permanent weight loss works by losing weight at a slow pace of ½ pounds to a maximum of 2 pounds a week. If the program doesn’t state the average amount of weight loss regarding long-term results of participants, consider it a red flag.
Consider its flexibility & reliability:
Weight loss programs that demand or require a strictly limited diet will surely set you up for failure. Consider programs that will meet your needs of physical activity and food preferences. Studies show that to achieve long-term weight loss success, you will need to adopt healthy lifestyle changes without feeling restricted. Steer clear of programs that will require you to buy special pills, supplements, gadgets and foods that promise quick results. While no magic pill can melt your fat away, there are effective weight loss pills that might help speed up weight loss.
Choose ones with sensible nutrition:
Various studies show that people who keep track of their diet, exercise and measures have shown to lose weight more significantly than those who do not. Using a good quality program will promote regular self-monitoring and also eliminate food categories that are harmful or too restrictive. Be sure to keep away from diets that make you eat meals in certain foods of unlimited quantities as these plans don’t work and will ultimately cause you to miss out on important nutrients that your body needs.
How long is the program?
When choosing a program, the best question to ask yourself is “Can I follow through these changes for the rest of my life?” If you decide that the answer is “no” and that you cannot follow through with the given diet program, it is better to keep looking for a practical weight loss program that will fit your daily preferences, needs, and healthy lifestyle.
Types of weight-loss programs
It is also important to understand the difference between the various types of weight-loss programs, which includes commercial programs, clinical programs, and online options.
Weight loss programs such as commercial programs charge a certain fee for meetings as they provide advice for diet and exercise as well as online tools to help keep track of your weight plan. Clinical programs are provided by a dietician that the hospital or a doctor’s office as they offer comprehensive exercise and diet along with supplemental prescription treatments such as low-calorie diets, medication, and surgery.
There are also online programs that are free and available for use on your computer or smartphone device. Many tools offer easy-to-use tracking such as counting calories or charting your weight loss goals.
You can also look into self-help programs, though they make no promises to help you lose weight but offer advice to help you meet your goals. Overeaters Anonymous is a 12-step program that is modelled after Alcoholics Anonymous that helps people who have compulsive eating disorders gain help and explore their underlying emotional issues along with a buddy program for you to call when you feel the urge to overeat.
So what’s the best diet to lose weight? A healthy diet plan that you can stick with for a long time rather than short-term will work best. It should offer healthy and great tasting choices as well as be good for your overall health – including your heart, colon, mentality, and bones. It should banish the bad foods while promoting clean, healthy foods.
Make sure that you understand what comes with the program along with expectations and results. Be sure to follow your research and look to the results of others, especially in their long-term follow-up. Losing weight can be easy with the right techniques.