The correlation between stress and immunity

Since the COVID-19 pandemic is still playing a big role in our lives, there’s been a lot of talk about personal health, well-being, stress, and immunity. And even though there’s only so much we can do to stay protected from getting infected, it’s still important to do everything we can to stay safe.

The relationship between stress and immunity has been well-documented. So if you, or someone you love, has been experiencing certain health issues without any formal diagnosis, maybe it’s time to take a deeper look into this correlation in order to find out more. Therefore, here are some suggestions on how stress can impact your health and immunity.

Paying attention to physical symptoms can be very useful

Stress is often called the silent killer, so the easiest way to spot it is to pay attention to physical symptoms. People who are over-stressed often also complain about headaches, tense muscles, nausea, fatigue, and sleeping issues, to name only a few. Therefore, before consulting a doctor, it’s important to determine the way stress affects your body and mind. Not all people have the same experiences, so rather than comparing yourself to others, it’s more useful to find out how stress influences your well-being in day-to-day situations.

Stress influences your own perception of fear and worry

Since stress is so all-consuming, its effects are often challenging to identify, especially to those who don’t have any prior knowledge about it. The main issue with stress is that it triggers the “fight or flight” response in the body, which causes the release of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. That can slow digestion, change blood flow, and speed up the heart rate, which can further cause physical reactions in inappropriate moments such as traffic jams or business meetings. Therefore, recognising all the ways stress can cause harm can be a great tool in combating its negative effects.

Willingness to change plays a big roleTwo women sitting on the couch talking about correlation with stress and immunity.

Living through the stress has become a new norm. Many people are told to shut up and deal with it, because adulthood is one stressful rollercoaster ride, anyway. However, that’s far from the truth, and these types of outdated beliefs are hardly helpful anymore. Therefore, if you’re absolutely certain that the stress in your life has made you ill mentally and physically, it’s of utmost importance to remove the source of stress in your life. Now, sometimes it’s not entirely possible to make that happen, therefore working on your responses to stress and managing your reactions can help you feel better and more peaceful in your own skin. 

Knowledge can be a powerful way to grow and learn 

Unfortunately, the majority of people still lack proper education regarding mental health, stress, and immunity, which can cause further problems. Due to that, a lot of people tend to self-medicate or completely neglect their stress-related issues thinking they’ll pass on their own. That way of thinking can also lead to depression and burnout at work. Therefore, if you’re a health professional or work in the mental health field, it’s important to learn as much as you can. Attending informative webinars on inflammation and anxiety will help you gain information about how various triggers can further influence one’s wellbeing. The more knowledgeable you are, the more resources you’ll have to help yourself and others. 

Chronic stress impacts the overall quality of life

More than often, stress has a concrete cause: marriage and work problems are often one of the main reasons why many of us succumb to it. Therefore, if there’s something in your life that needs addressing, it’s recommended to deal with it before things get any worse. Going to therapy is one way of dealing with stress in your life, but changing the way you eat, exercise, and interact with others can also be helpful when combating anxiety and its consequences. Once you manage to get to the root of the problem, you’ll have the freedom and tools to tackle the symptoms and their physical effects.

Lifestyle modifications are always welcome 

Throughout life, we grow and learn. Many of us lack the means to live abundant and healthy lives, and that is often due to learned behaviour that we’ve adopted in childhood. So, changing your lifestyle habits can be a great way to turn your life around. Getting regular exercise, eating more whole foods, and living more mindfully can seriously improve the way you experience stress in daily life. However, doing something like that requires you to be determined and disciplined, so rather than making grand decisions, it’s better to start slow and try different things until you find the perfect routine that will help you become the best version of yourself.

Patience and self-kindness will definitely pay off in the futureA woman stressed at a park correlation with immunity.

Since stress in your life also manifests itself in the form of physical symptoms, it’s also important to be patient with lifestyle changes in order to make them stick and work in your favour. Your attitude can determine the course of your life, and when you add stress to the mix, things can get significantly worse. Therefore, encouraging self-love can transform your mindset and help you deal with stress more efficiently. Also, being patient with your progress will give you enough time to analyze yourself and find appropriate means for dealing with stressful situations. 

Final thoughts

The correlation between stress and immunity means that, once you determine the source of your stress, you’ll be able to take care of the symptoms. Mental health is the most important aspect of your being, so learning about it is a sure way towards living a fulfilling life without stress. If you’re able to recognise the symptoms of anxiety, you’re already halfway towards feeling better both physically and mentally.

Derek Lotts
Derek Lotts
Derek Lotts is an experienced freelance writer and researcher. His main areas of interest are small business, home improvement, and sustainable living. He strongly believes in the power of sharing knowledge and ideas through the mediums of modern technology.
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