Taylor Swift sends fan over $6000 to help with her college tuition

In an act of generosity, Taylor Swift has helped out a fan who was struggling with thousands of dollars in college tuition debt.

The singer sent an Ontario University student CAD6,386.47 which converts to over 7,000 AUD to help with her college tuition woes. Ayesha Khurram received the money two hours after she posted about her struggles on Tumblr. She shared the receipt of the transaction on Instagram last Monday where Swift shared a short but sweet note that wrote, “Ayesha, get your learn on girl. I love you! Taylor.” See the post below:


The CAD6,386.47 that Khurram received from Swift is enough to pay the rest of her tuition for this semester including her rent. The college student took to Tumblr to share how her parents could not afford her college tuition for the upcoming sem as both were working minimum wage jobs. On top of that, Khurram revealed that her mother is currently struggling with chronic renal disease making financial matters more difficult.

Khurram has previously met Swift backstage in one of her concerts. On her Instagram bio, she wrote: “Taylor Swift specifically requested my presence backstage and I will never shut up about it.” See the dedicated fan’s photo with Swift below (Khurram is seen between her fellow Swifties):


Swift is known for reaching out to fans in need. The generous star has gifted her fans with presents during holidays and has also surprised other fans to help pay off their student loans.

Laura Ebeling
Laura Ebeling
Laura is a reporter and a gossip columnist for Best in Australia. She focuses on celebrities, science and social affairs in Australia and worldwide.
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