Satish Gaire: King of Software Launches shares his story

Satish Gaire: King of Software Launches shares his story
Satish Gaire

Satish Gaire is based out of Dallas, Texas & is the founder of popular software such as  Podmio, GreatSteals & WooAgents to just name a few. He has been named the “king of SaaS” (Software as a Service ) by many outlets because he has launched the most amount of softwares in the shortest amount of time.

A list of some of his companies can be found here:

One of the big parts of his business is to launch software products on ClickBank, Jvzoo & DirectPay. We got an opportunity to sit with him & ask him exactly how this process works.

Tell us about your background & How you got started with launching software products?

Since early days, i had a very strong interest in software, but I knew that this was not my strong point. My strong point was being able to sell it with an angle that solves problem.

I got started with software launching in 2011 when an old friend just told me about it over drinks & since then i have not looked back. Product launch serves me as a “ fundraiser” for my other bigger projects.

Could you give us a quick snapshot of how your software launch process works?

Once i have a vision for a software that would target a specific market,  I talk to one of my lead developers in Romania or India. The framework for software is already done, so we are simply adding new features and changing the User Interface.

It takes about 2-3 weeks for a software to be finished. Once the software is ready to be sold,  our team of copywriters & designers create sales pages.

Next, we choose a range of dates when software will be available for sale at a lowest price  & start inviting affiliates to join us to promote the product.

On the day of the launch,  thousands of affiliates around the world send out emails to their customers to the sales page. In within 48 hours, we normally cross 2,000+ units of sale.  Once the product launch is over, we reinvest some of the funds into the software to make it better & add more features, then the software is offered at a higher price on a SaaS model, where customers pay monthly fee to  use the software.

Rumor has it that you own over 700+ softwares, How true is that ?  How do you have time to manage them all?

Yes. 733 till yesterday. I have been launching softwares for almost 7 years & my goal is to have a portfolio of software in every industry.

Most of the software do not need to be monitored in daily basis, I have assigned managers to run ads on Facebook, AdWords and LinkedIn & we have a team of help desk staff who are trained to provide support for large range of software categories since each of the software are built in the same framework.

How do you make people interested in your software?

I have already done my research before we build the software,  but i find pain points that will help the consumer either save time, save money or help them increase their revenue.

Key here is the solve their problem & show value. We could build the most fanciest software with lots of features but if i am unable to show the value they will receive in exchange for  X amount of their hard earned money, then the product will not sell.

That’s where i come in. My job is to make sure that what we are building as a market and make sure that product reaches consumers who need it the most.

What is one advice that you can give to someone who wants to follow your path?

The biggest advice i can give to anyone to never give up,  because something thats worth in life takes hard work.  I am a big fan of hard working people who never give up rather than people who have the talent but no will to keep going despite the failures.



By Mike Smith

Executive Editor at Best in Australia. Mike has spent over a decade covering news related to business leaders and entrepreneurs around Australia and across the world. You can contact Mike here.

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