Filming for the newest installment of the James Bond franchise faces yet another setback. This time, with its lead actors Rami Malek and Daniel Craig.
Is there drama brewing between the two actors? Not likely. It just so happens that Academy Award Winner Rami Malek’s schedule too tight. And with filming delayed because of Craig’s injuries from prior on-set mishaps, the two are “struggling to film together”.
Production for Bond 25 has been moved from September to late October or early November. The Sun reports that Malek will have started with another project by that time and the setbacks are wreaking havoc in his schedule. What can you expect from an actor who became one of the most in-demand in Hollywood?
A source told The Sun, “They still need to find a time for Daniel and Rami to film together,”
“You can’t have a Bond film where 007 doesn’t come face to face with the villain so it’s a complete nightmare logistically. They are looking at the whole schedule again now and doing everything they can to make it work, but production is going to have to over-run even further now.”
Malek has become a huge star after his phenomenal performance as Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody. The role earned him the 2018 Oscar Award for Best Actor. Even when he was announced for a villain role in the latest Bond film, the actor was reportedly too tied up. He was unable to attend the Bond 25 press conference in France with the rest of the cast.