Logan Williams explains how she helps people to train their thoughts

Logan Williams explains how she helps people to train their thoughts
Logan Williams founder of Wollstonecraft Coaching. Photo: Supplied

Logan Williams is the founder of Wollstonecraft Coaching and is a certified professional life coach, as well as an NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner. She specialises in teaching people how to shift their habits and destructive thought patterns, in order to help them to improve their emotional health.

Logan, why did you become a life coach?

Several years ago, I was diagnosed with an illness, and I found myself in a new world where I emerged as a victim. Once recovered, I tried going back to my old life and I was lost. Fear and negative thought patterns kept me stuck.

When I let go of the fear of making a mistake, I started taking small steps of action each day, understanding that I needed to create new dreams that represented where I had been and where I wanted to go.

I had to shift because I was in an enormous amount of emotional pain. Out of this pain sprung a desire to share what I had learned with others. Teaching people how to shift habits and destructive thought patterns has become my passion.

What does it take to become a qualified life coach?

I completed a certificate program at American University for Leadership Coaching for Organizational Performance. I then went on to get my ACC credentials from the International Coaching Federation. Great coaches are fantastic listeners. They can hear what the client is saying and not saying to uncover blind spots that are keeping them stuck.

What made you choose the name Wollstonecraft Coaching?

I’m passionate about history and the people who have paved the way for each of us to embrace a life that pushes us forward. In 1792 with the backdrop of the French Revolution, Mary Wollstonecraft wrote, A Vindication of the Rights of Women. In the book, Wollstonecraft argued that women should have the same opportunities as men.

She disrupted the status quo by daring to persuade others that women should be given an education and civic rights. Wollstonecraft challenged society by asking the question: what are you afraid of? Women are still fighting for pay equality and a voice in modern society. Naming the company after her was a salute to challenging unjust societal norms.

What areas of life does your coaching help people with?

The client focuses on the outcome they desire, whether it’s setting goals to achieve a life vision or solving day-to-day issues. The client examines the space between where they are now and where they want to be.

Can you explain how “The Shift Project” works?

The 60-Day Shift Project is designed to let the hack your mind. The project propels you to move into the driver’s seat to create the life you desire. Learn to gear your thoughts towards gratitude and watch your perspective shift.

The modules focus on releasing worry and anxiety: Identify your blind spots that create your anxiety and unhappiness. Together we can create a plan that works for you. Getting clear about how you want to show up in life each day. Learn how to take inspired actions steps that will get you moving forward.

Does your coaching work for everyone?

Life Coaching works if the client is willing to put in the work to achieve the change they desire. Life Coaching is a designed agreement between coach and client where the coaching relationship continually believes the client has the answer. The coach helps the client gain access to it; unlocking sources of creativity and productivity.

How does neuro-linguistic programming fit in to your coaching methods?

Neuro is relating to the nervous system: How do we absorb information?  Linguistic is language: What words do we use day-to-day? Programming or habits: How can we develop useful habits? We break down the messages that the client is saying to themselves each day. Once they uncover their subconscious programming, they create a plan of action that reflects the new thought pattern that will help support their goal.

By Mike Smith

Executive Editor at Best in Australia. Mike has spent over a decade covering news related to business leaders and entrepreneurs around Australia and across the world. You can contact Mike here.

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