Fresh hip-hop talent HIIIZMXN recently spoke with iHeart Radio’s ‘The Culture News’ and made a strong impression on host David Serero (here is the complete interview).
HIIIZMXN made a loud entrance upon being introduced but wasted no time setting a laid back tone for the interview.
HIIIZMXN demonstrated a nuanced understanding of the hip-hop/rap scene and didn’t box himself into any hard-set sub-genre, instead preferring to just make the best music he can. Seraro commented that HIIIZMXN was a pleasure to listen to because of his diverse range of musical influences.
When asked about the process of writing his tracks, HIIIZMXN described a very free-flowing creative process where he and his producer XIV would chill out and experiment with different sounds. He revealed that his new track “$odaH” was actually written in 2 hours after he was sent the instrumental by XIV.
HIIIZMXN also said “$odaH” was a reflection on his experiences spending time in jail and “wanting to run away from city life” to spend time with his girlfriend.
HIIIZMXN also revealed that he had taken a year off performing but with the release of his new track would be organising shows in the coming months. He said that he wanted to have a high standard for his live performances, with “perfect” production values for the enjoyment of fans.
He also said that he and XIV were working on a 10 track album together that’s in the final stages of production.
Serero ended the interview by playing “$odah”, leaving HIIIZMXN’s sound fresh in the minds of listeners.
“$odah” has enjoyed success across all platforms, especially on Spotify where HIIIZMXN is finding a broad new audience.
HIIIZMXN is definitely an artist to follow (@xHEIZMANx) and watch in the hip-hop space and has a lot more exciting news ahead. Check out his latest hit track “$odah” here or his YouTube channel (HIIIZMXN)