Best Spanish language apps to download

Spanish language app
Photo: Nito, Bigstock

Should Google Translate fail to meet your expectations, then it is worth perusing alternatives when learning Spanish.

One of the simple pleasures of accessing a smartphone is the ability to tap into different cultures around the globe and picking up a foreign language can be a great asset to have. That applies to anything in your personal or professional life.

From the earliest of beginners to linguists who are wanting to add an extra string to their bow, here is a selection of the best Spanish language apps to download on your Apple or Android device this year.


Sometimes the practice of learning a foreign language can feel like sitting in a classroom. Given the freedom of the World Wide Web, that format seems counterproductive.

Overdrive therefore fills a gap in the market by allowing the user to download ebooks and audiobooks and borrow from a vast library of content. Users can read or listen at their leisure, not forcing a set schedule or single mode of education.


Feel like being thrown into the deep end rather than a slow, scripted approach to Spanish lessons? Well FluentU is the app for you!

Much akin to expats overseas based in Spain or South America, many believe that the fastest means of picking up the local lingo is to immerse yourself in the culture, no holds barred.

What FluentU manages to do is convert your everyday app content from English to Spanish. Breaking news feeds, videos, weather, sport and entertainment is sent through to your device in both English and Spanish, allowing you to learn phrases in real time. This is learning Spanish, but in a topical fashion.

24/7 Tutor

There are independent Spanish learners who prefer going at their own pace, then there are others who need something or someone to stay on top of their stated objective. It can be simple to slip out of motivation, but the 24/7 Tutor is one of the hottest properties across all languages.

Spanish just so happens to be one of them as users can update their skills on Japanese, German, Thai, Russian, Arabic and much more. 24/7 Tutor is particularly useful for students with the app catering study lists alongside spelling practice and quizzes.


This free app has flown under the radar for the most part in the marketplace, but more users should engage with Memrise. Individual vocab lessons are catered in short bursts, placing the emphasis on memorising phrases that are limited to approximately 15 words each.

Memrise is far from just a stale application. There is a sense of humour when Spanish phrases are connected to English in context, making the learning experience more personable and interactive.


Having trouble with a reliable Internet connection? Worried about your data usage while learning Spanish? Then perhaps StudyBlue is the solution.

This app utilises flashcards that are digitalised, giving you full access once they are acquired anytime. These cards can be used for a game or just for pure educational purposes, categorising specific terms match with their relevant topics.


If language apps were ranked based on ease of use for the consumer, then Duolingo wins. From casuals who are seeking a quick mode of picking up some phrases to others who are invested in the long-term, Duolingo caters to all users of all language backgrounds.

Text is mixed with audio and visuals to keep the customer engaged and accounts can be created to begin a course. Amateur learners can stay on one level if they feel comfortable progressing at a more gradual pace, or accelerate should they feel the need to cram their education.


This article is a private opinion based on private research and it shouldn’t be considered as advice.

By Blake Hampton

Freelance writer and journalist covering news, sport, SEO, conservation and entertainment

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