5 ways to quit smoking forever

Quitting smoking can be one of the best things you do when it comes to your health. Quitting smoking can be incredibly challenging, this is because of the physical and psychological dependence people have on cigarettes. Cigarettes are up there as one of the most difficult drugs to quit and research shows that many people do not successfully quit long term.

Whether you’re looking to quit for the first time, or trying again after a relapse, you’re probably anxious. The nicotine withdrawals when quitting can be intense and difficult to manage in daily life and many people with have a large number of triggers associated with smoking. It is likely that people within your social circle also smoke, so it can be a very hard habit to break.

There are many therapies out there however that can successfully help people to quit smoking, especially if they are used in conjunction with each other. The most important thing to do when quitting is to have a good quit plan in place and make sure you are informed on the quitting strategies and tools that are out there to assist with the process.

To help you educate yourself on what to expect when quitting and which strategies are available we have put together a list of the 5 main tips to give up smoking cigarettes. Read on below if you’re thinking about quitting.

How to quit smoking now and forever?

There are 5 simple ways to stop smoking fast:

  1. Cold Turkey – quitting smoking all at once
  2. Nicotine Replacement therapy – using gum and lozenges, nasal sprays and patches
  3. Non-nicotine medications – using non-nicotine smoking cessation drugs
  4. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – by breaking the behaviour patterns of smoking
  5. Alternative therapies – by hypnosis, acupuncture, meditation

Quitting Smoking by Cold Turkey

Quitting Smoking by Cold Turkey
Photo: Philipimage, BS

Going cold turkey involves quitting smoking all at once, without the assistance of medications or nicotine replacement therapies.

It can be a very effective method of smoking cessation if correctly prepared for and many people have successfully give up smoking this way.

Cold Turkey has an obvious benefit over some of the other giving up smoking methods out there because it is free, medications, replacement therapies, behavioural therapy and alternative medicines all have a cost associated with them.

When trying to go cold turkey it is important to set a realistic quit date, keep your social calendar in mind and try to avoid events or social gatherings that might make it difficult to quit. Times of stress are probably not going to be the best times to try and cut smoking out of your life; you’ll end up giving in to nicotine cravings and start to feel negatively about your chances of successfully quitting.

Once you’ve made the decision to quit, it’s important to write down a concrete list of reasons why you’re quitting, hold on to this a re-read it when you feel like giving in.

You should also consider your habits as a smoker and come up with a way to deal with the inevitable cravings you will experience. Find ways to distract yourself – gum, lollipops or phone games are effective for many people in helping to pass the time when a craving comes.

Changing up your routine to break the habit is the best way to get beyond the smoking cravings, many people will reach for them at regular intervals throughout the day, switching up normal behaviours can alleviate some of the cravings that come with a smoking habit.

That said, smoking is highly addictive, so at some point you will experience the effects of nicotine withdrawal. It’s important to remember that these symptoms will pass within a few days, but you should prepare yourself by knowing what to expect.

Nicotine withdrawal usually involves intense cravings, irritability and moodiness and trouble sleeping but it can be attributed to weight gain, appetite changes, drowsiness or trouble sleeping and even flu-like symptoms.

Involving your friends and a support network is the best way to ensure that you remain accountable and continue on with your quitting journey. There are support groups and helplines that can help people trying to quit the habit, look into one in your local area if you’re considering quitting.

During the process it’s very important to keep in mind all the benefits of quitting, research has shown that there are almost immediate benefits to smoking cessation and you’re body will show big signs of improvement in only a few weeks.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

quit smoking with nicotine patches
Photo: Andrianocz, BS

When giving up smoking there are two major components to consider, the physical dependency and psychological dependency on the habit.

Nicotine is an addictive substance which causes some very real withdrawal symptoms and these negative symptoms coupled with the psychological dependence people have on smoking as their crutch make it a very difficult habit to kick.

Nicotine replacement therapy replaces the nicotine that people get from smoking through a variety of means such Nicorette gum and lozenges, nasal sprays and patches. The idea is that replacing the nicotine people get from cigarettes allows them to focus on the psychological aspects of quitting, without the additional harmful substances found in cigarettes.

Different people will have preferences for different methods of nicotine delivery, for some people patches might be preferred over lozenges for example. For other people a combination of delivery methods may be the best approach.

Nicotine replacement therapy allows people to break the habit of smoking without caving into the strong cravings associated with nicotine withdrawal.

Nicotine replacement therapy has been shown to be highly effective and is thought to double the chances of people quitting smoking for good.

Most methods of nicotine replacement therapy are easily available over the counter, making this an accessible and easy way to quit smoking. It’s important to seek out the advice of your doctor to ensure you are using the correct dosage and tapering down when appropriate to avoid ongoing nicotine addiction.

Combining nicotine replacement therapy with other methods of quitting can help to increase the effectiveness of the therapy. It is good to consider therapy for the psychological aspects of smoking for example, or seeking out prescriptions to take in combination with over the counter solutions.

It is extremely important to remember that you should not smoke whilst on nicotine replacement therapy as this can lead to a nicotine overdose. Nicotine overdoses can potentially be deadly, if you begin to feel ill or accidentally have too high a dose of nicotine you should seek out medical help immediately.

Some people view nicotine replacement therapy as cheating, however it simply isn’t true that you should go purely cold turkey. The physical component of smoking is only one small part of the habit and nicotine replacement therapy is an important tool for many if not most people looking to quit.

Quitting is a different process for everybody, but nicotine replacement therapy or a combination of therapies can be very effective and is worth speaking to your doctor about.

Non-nicotine medications

Non-nicotine medications for giving up cigarettes
Photo: Fahroni, BS

There are a number of non-nicotine prescription drugs that have been shown to be helpful in quitting smoking, especially when used in combination with nicotine replacement therapy.

This is a giving up smoking strategy that is especially worthwhile to consider for smokers that are highly dependent on cigarettes. If you are a heavy smoker and regularly smoke a pack or more a day and feel the effects of withdrawal it’s far less likely that the cold turkey approach will be effective as a quitting strategy.

Nicotine actually affects the brain and changes the way it is wired, so you truly do become physically dependant. Heavy smokers are much more likely to struggle with the effects of withdrawal. Prescription drugs have a high success rate for quitting.

Many people feel that they should be able to do it without medication, or may have tried it before and failed but medications are a very worthwhile approach to quitting and there is nothing wrong with using drugs to increase your chances.

Prescription non-smoking drugs work by affecting the nicotine receptors in the brain, this lessens the pleasure associated with smoking and also decreases the nicotine withdrawal symptoms a person experiences when quitting.

In Australia, Champix (Varenicline) is a prescription currently available and listed on the PBS for smoking cessation. It makes smoking unpleasant but also slow releases dopamine throughout the day, making you less likely to experience the agitation and strong withdrawals commonly associated with quitting.

There are non-smoking vaccinations in development, so it’s likely that the efficacy and success of non-nicotine drugs will only increase with time when it comes to quitting smoking.

A good thing about non-nicotine smoking cessation drugs is that there is no risk of accidental nicotine overdose as there is with nicotine replacement therapies, and you are immediately reducing your physical dependence on nicotine.

For many prescription quit drugs, you begin to take them ahead of your quit day, this prepares you ahead of time for quitting. Some prescription smoking cessation drugs can have unpleasant side effects like nausea, vomiting and mood changes.

There are many prescription drugs on the market so it’s important to talk to your doctor about your specific circumstances to work out the best option for you. Your doctor might also recommend taking the prescription in combination with other therapies like nicotine replacement therapy, alternative therapies.

During the quit phase it’s important to ensure you have a good and understanding support network around you to help you to quit.

Non-nicotine prescriptions can be a highly effective method of smoking cessation. If you’re considering quitting or tried and failed at using other methods in the past, then consider talking to your doctor about getting a prescription.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

giving up smoking therapy
Photo: Zinkevych, BS

The psychological side of a smoking habit has a big role to play when it comes to quitting. In many ways, the psychological aspects of smoking are more significant than the physical dependence people have on nicotine.

When quitting, the height of the physical withdrawal symptoms will usually subside after three days, while breaking a habit can take weeks if not months.

Many smokers have been smokers for years and breaking a habit that is part of daily routine can be extremely challenging. Cognitive behavioural therapy has been used to great effect for a long time in helping people to deal with many different psychological issues and negative behavioural patterns and can play a vital role in smoking cessation when used effectively.

Cognitive behavioural therapy can be used to break the behaviour patterns of smoking and to help people change their though processes and behaviours related to smoking.

Cognitive behavioural therapy can be conducted in a number of environments, including one-on-one with a therapist and in group therapy. It tends to be most effective when done one-on-one but the supportive environment of group therapy can be very helpful for some people.

During cognitive behavioural therapy your therapist will equip you for tools to help you quit and change any negative thoughts about smoking. They do this by teaching you individual strategies based on your behaviours to help you cope with cravings or thoughts that can lead to smoking, helping you to overcome temptations.

They also educate you about smoking and its dangers and the process of quitting, helping to better prepare you for the road ahead.

They will also work with you to identify social and environmental triggers for smoking and help you to find motivational cues for quitting, keeping you on track.

Cognitive behavioural therapy can also be helpful in creating an aversion to smoking by identifying and highlighting negative associations with the habit so that you eventually no longer want to do it.

On its own cognitive therapy is less effective, although it can help to improve attitudes about relapse. It is most effective when used in combination with other therapies such as nicotine replacement therapy or non-nicotine prescription drugs, to help deal with the physical side of smoking.

Cognitive behavioural therapy for some people can be integral to a successful attempt at quitting smoking.

It is important to recognise that people become more than just physically dependant on smoking and also have a number of psychological reasons for smoking; good behavioural therapy helps them to address the underlying reasons for smoking so that they can successfully quit.

If you’re struggling with using smoking as a daily crutch then cognitive behavioural therapy might be an essential component to include in your quitting strategy.

Alternative Therapies

give up smoking with meditation
Photo: Photosvit, BS

There are many different alternative therapies out there to help people to give up smoking, hypnosis, acupuncture, meditation and alternative medicines are just a few of the more popular alternative approaches to quitting.

The nature of alternative therapies means that it can be difficult to measure the effectiveness and success rate they have on quitting, so it’s difficult to know how well they really work but their popularity certainly seems to indicate that they can be helpful as a quitting strategy.

Many of the therapies can help people to deal with stress and thought patterns, which can be a major trigger for smoking but may also assist with dopamine release which can help with suppressing nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Most doctors will recommend alternative therapies be done in combination with other therapies, like nicotine replacement therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy.

Every person’s quitting journey is different however, for some conventional medicine is the best approach, whilst others may find alternative therapies work well for them.

Hypnosis, a favourite alternative therapy for those looking to quit tends to focus on identifying peoples unconscious triggers for smoking and breaking the habit usually through various suggestions made by the hypnotherapist.

Acupuncture is Chinese therapy that uses small needles on the body based on the belief that different points of the body correspond to different emotions or behaviours. Acupuncture in combination with other therapies like nicotine replacement therapy has been shown to improve the success rate for quitting.

Meditation practice has been shown to be promising as an alternative to smoking’s stress relieving qualities and may help to change the thought patterns around smoking. 5 to 20 minutes of meditation each day can be very helpful for stress relief and managing smoking cravings.

There are other popular alternative therapies out there such as alternative medicines like St. Johns Wort and black pepper essential oil.

Alternative therapies are preferential for many people as they are gentler and more natural than prescriptions or nicotine replacement therapies.

Alternative therapies can be helpful both in combination and without for smokers, whilst their effectiveness cannot be conclusively proven, they are a popular and worthwhile option for those looking to quit.

Quit Smoking Plan

Quitting any addiction is a challenge, and kicking the cigarette habit in the butt may be one of the toughest. But it’s worth the effort – each day you don’t smoke improves your health and boosts your life expectancy. Millions of people have successfully quit smoking, and you can too.

stop smoking plan
Photo: Glazunov E., BS

Here’s your action plan, which includes what to expect and some sneaky hacks to help keep you on track:

  • Know the facts and benefits
  • Get out your journal
  • Make the decision and speak to your doctor

1. Know the facts


  • 8% of Australians are current smokers – this rate has nearly halved since 1995
  • Tobacco smoking is a major cause of preventable illness and death; 2 in 3 lifetime smokers die from a smoking-related disease
  • 18,762 Australians died from tobacco use in 2011
  • Smokers die on average 10 years earlier than non-smokers

Some health problems caused by smoking include:

  • Cancer
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Eye diseases
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Low bone density
  • Reduced fertility in women
  • Impaired lung growth in children and teens
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Faster decline of lung function
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Pregnancy and childbirth problems
  • Worsening asthma

Tobacco use is associated with a range of other health conditions, including sleep disorders, reduced fitness, poor sense of smell and taste, tooth decay and interaction with other drugs (such as the contraceptive pill).

Benefits of quitting

Regardless of your age and how long you’ve been smoking, quitting can provide you with many health benefits and save you money.

Benefits of quitting smoking
Photo: PIxabay

Here’s how your body improves after your last cigarette:

After 20 minutes

Pulse rate, blood pressure and body temperature in the extremities become normal.

1 hour

Resting heart rate and blood pressure decrease.

4 hours

Breath is fresher.

8 hours

Levels of carbon monoxide in blood returns to normal and oxygen in blood increases to normal.

12 hours

Nearly all nicotine is out of the body.

24 hours

Heart attack risk starts to decrease.

48 hours

Nerve endings start to regrow and smell and taste improves.

5 days

Most nicotine by-products are released from the body and the liver and kidneys are working more effectively.

1 week

The lungs’ cleaning system begins to recover and eliminates tobacco toxins.

1 month

Circulation and lung function improves.

3 months

Tobacco stains on the fingers improves and skin becomes clearer.

9 months

Coughing, shortness of breath and sinus congestion is reduced. The lungs become healthier and cleaner. The body’s energy and immune system improves and stress levels are reduced.

1 year

Reduced risk of coronary heart disease by 50% of that of a smoker.

5 years

Stroke risk is minimised to that of a non-smoker around 5-15 years after quitting.

10 years

Risk of lung cancer is halved, precancerous cells are replaced by healthy ones and overall risk of cancer is reduced.

15 years

Heart attack and stroke risk is nearly the same as a non-smoker’s.

2. Get out your journal

Being able to identify your personal reasons for wanting to give up smoking and knowing what to expect is crucial for staying on track.

stop smoking - write a journal
Photo: Negative Space, Pexels

1. Write out your motivations for quitting and the benefits you’ll reap

Giving yourself good reasons to stop smoking is where the desire to quit comes from! People’s motivations may vary, but some common ones include:

  • Improving your health (e.g. minimising risk of cancer, having healthier lungs, nails and teeth)
  • To save money
  • To protect the health of your baby (if pregnant or trying to become pregnant) or children

2.  Write out what difficulties you expect to come up against

Quitting smoking is not always going to be easy. You’ll have good days and bad days. It’s important to have realistic expectations and know that your journey may be challenging, but that you have the tools to cope. Difficulties may include:

  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Smoking triggers

3. Write out what you can do to resolve these difficulties

There are ways that you can manage these difficulties, including:

  • Dealing with stress and emotions
  • Changing up your routine
  • Avoiding triggers if possible
  • Exercising
  • Medication

The best way to quit is to use a variety of methods. This increases your chance of success.

3. Make the decision and speak to your doctor

Once you have your reasons for quitting, it’s time to make the decision to officially quit. It’s up to you to decide whether you’re going to quit cold turkey or start cutting down first (though many experts recommend going cold turkey as it’s easier and comes with less prolonged withdrawal symptoms and cravings).

Did you know that 95-97% of people who quit without any support start smoking again after 6-12 months? Your doctor can help you create a personalised action plan to increase your chances of success. They may consider a combination of the following to help you quit smoking:


Tobacco addiction isn’t just a physical issue; it’s a social, mental and emotional one too. A counsellor can help you problem solve issues associated with quitting and provide you with skill training to improve your daily behaviours. You may find group therapy or individual therapy helpful.


Medications such as nicotine-replacement therapy and nicotine-free medicines may be able to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Speak to your doctor to see if medication is suitable for you.

Q&A – What to expect on your quitting journey

What are the three factors of addiction?

  • Physical: Nicotine causes dopamine to be released in the brain, making you feel good temporarily.
  • Mental/behavioural: Smoking can become a part of your daily routine, with environmental triggers such as having breakfast or having a lunch break causing you to light up without thought.
  • Social: Social factors such as having peers or friends who smoke around you can cause you to smoke more often.

What are the typical withdrawal symptoms?

  • Feeling emotional – irritable, angry, anxious or depressed
  • Intense cravings (this urge should pass within a few minutes)
  • Restlessness, difficulty sleeping and concentrating
  • Heightened appetite and weight gain
  • Physical symptoms such as sore throat, constipation, dizziness or mouth ulcers.

What is the first week like after quitting?

The first week is arguably the hardest. Withdrawal symptoms can start as soon as 30 minutes after your last smoke, reaching their peak after around 2-3 days. Remember that this is a sign that your body is recovering from the addiction.

What about the first month?

While the first week may be over, you’ll likely still face withdrawal symptoms, with your emotions fluctuating. However, after two weeks your chances of staying smoke-free are heightened. Be proud of your achievement!

How much money will I save by quitting?

If you currently smoke 20 cigarettes each day with a cost of $22, quitting will save you $8,000 a year. You could buy a jet ski or a trip to France with that money! Use an online cost calculator to find out how much money you’ll save.

What are some common craving triggers?

  • Feeling stressed out by work
  • Feeling angry after a relationship conflict
  • Drinking coffee, alcohol or an energy drink
  • Seeing someone else smoke
  • Hanging out with friends that smoke

What are some substitutes for smoking?

  • Hanging out with non-smokers
  • Chewing gum
  • Going for a walk
  • Talking to friends
  • Stay busy (with reading, video games or another hobby)
  • Mix up your diet and routine
  • Meditation and mindfulness
  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga

How do you handle stress and negative emotions?

Rather than using cigarettes to deal with stressful feelings, try swapping them for something healthier. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and mindfulness, yoga, massages or a trip to the spa can help. Exercise (especially in a form that you enjoy!) can boost the feel-good chemicals you’d normally get from a cigarette. Talking to friends and family or journaling can help too.

How do you avoid slipping back into the addiction?

Really commit to your choice and take it one day at a time. Thinking about the future may be stressful, so stay present. Not smoking is a choice you make in each moment. Slips may happen, where you have one or two cigarettes. This can make it harder to stay smoke-free, but it’s different from a relapse. You can learn from the slip – don’t fall back into relapse. It’s just a temporary setback. Be sure to reward yourself along the way, too.


Like millions of others, you too can live a smoke-free, healthy and happy life. Ensure that you deal with your triggers and withdrawal symptoms to stay on top of your goals and achieve success.

I beg your garden: The Japanese art of Wabi-sabi

The Japanese aesthetics of Wabi-sabi is based on ancient ideals. Wabi meaning simple and austere beauty and Sabi – the beauty of ageing well, intertwine into a new style that is slowly becoming an essential part of our everyday life. Defined as finding beauty in the passing of time, the art of Wabi-sabi focuses on impermanence and simplicity; it refers to a mindful approach to life, in all of its aspects.

The term was introduced to the West by Leonard Koren, an American writer, and design philosopher. The combination of the two words Wabi and Sabi and their aesthetic was explained in a book Wabi-Sabi for Artist, Designers, Poets, & Philosophers back in 1994. Koren explained the metaphysical basis of the art of Wabi-sabi and wrote, “Truth comes from the observation of nature. Greatness exists in the inconspicuous and overlooked details. Beauty can be coaxed out of ugliness.”

But what does that mean?

The art of Wabi-sabi encourages us to find beauty in imperfection, to mimic the essence of nature and incorporate it in our surroundings – our homes. Nature isn’t perfect, nothing is symmetrical, there is impermanence, incompleteness all around, and yet, everything is so beautifully simple.

Intertwining Wabi-sabi elements into a home means that you are choosing to show character. The home is full of rustic character, charm – if an old writing desk is missing a drawer or a handle it doesn’t mean you should quickly replace it, it means that you cherish the piece because you used it for years and it has changed, you see its beauty in its flaws and imperfections.

One of the mesmerising examples of Wabi-sabi gardens is a precious Japanese Kyu Shiba Rikyu Garden, made in the Edo period. In this wonderful circa 340 years old garden, you can see the combination of elements and how they change as the season’s change. From above it looks like a miniature garden surrounded by buildings, but don’t let that fool you because the sight of the flowers in full bloom will leave you speechless and you will always come back to a different looking scenery from season to season.

How to incorporate it into our homes?

One way to introduce the style to our gardens is to choose objects, elements and plants that are natural, that change with the seasons and that are simple and impermanent. When it comes to plants and greenery, opt for ones with changeable appearances as the seasons change such as a tree with peeling bark, let your plants go to seed and allow the dry leaves fall and remain on the ground. You can plant perennials and self-seeding plants that will take over your gardens corners over the course of years and you will have the chance to see how nature grows and changes.

Incorporate natural elements, place stones aside (away from the foot traffic) and let moss and lichens grow over them, re-purpose old objects (made of natural materials) and see how the materials change, for example, how wood gets the weathered look or how iron objects (old gardening too, gate or fence) rust over time. Place an old chair in the flowerbeds to see what weather does to natural materials or plant a flower bed in the chair.

If you can’t completely change the look of your garden area, try to intertwine as many elements as needed to embrace the Wabi-sabi philosophy as a way of life. You can make your own combination a Zen-inspired garden following Wabi-sabi’s simplicity and impermanence theory and create your own sanctuary. Opt for raw wood pergolas such as the ones at Aspect Shade and let a climbing plant take over the man made structure.  

The key of Wabi-sabi is in creating your own version of the look but accepting the philosophy and embrace the impermanence of everything. Cherish the imperfections and enjoy their beauty because they show the passing of time. As soon as you accept the fact that everything must change, you will lead a better life.

Strengthen your social media marketing campaign with Instagram

Social media campaigning has become famous throughout the world due to different reasons. For regular people, it is a platform to find friends and stay in touch with them. For others, social media is a platform to promote their businesses or products or services.

Business owners have started using this platform, sighting massive popularity of social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Now, when it comes to a marketing campaign, we have heard about Facebook and Twitter, but only a few people use Instagram.

This platform can too deliver exceptional business marketing results. In the following section, we shall try to find benefits of including this network for social media marketing.

Advantages of using Instagram

From various aspects, Instagram is always considered as a critical component of any social media campaign. This platform comes with many benefits to offer, however to reap those benefits, you need to invest time in getting more followers. Here are the benefits of this platform over the alternatives.

Lesser explored social media website for business campaigning

As stated already, only a small number of business owners use this social media website for business campaigning. It is a boon in disguise, as you shall find less competition here. If you run a newly introduced business, you would surely love to cut down the competition whenever or wherever it is possible.

Business promotional activities on Facebook and Twitter would not be easy for newly started businesses. You may come across a high competition. You have to put more efforts to sustain in the competitive environment.

On the other hand, at Instagram, you shall face less competitive environment. As a result, you can show more creativity and you can take more breathe when conducting a business marketing campaign. Lack of competition will enhance the visibility of your business.

Simple photo sharing website

Instagram cannot be termed as microblogging websites like Facebook and Twitter. You do not have to give importance to writing text-based contents. This social platform is ideal for sharing photos or images that are related to your business. You can share seasonal or festive greetings with your followers on this social media website.

You can share business posters and other design layouts to stay in touch with the followers. Campaigning with this social media platform will not consume high time. Sharing interesting photos would surely do the job.

Can be connected to Facebook

If you have a business profile on Facebook, you can connect that account with Instagram. Connecting these networks will fetch a lot of benefits. First of all, this will give you more exposure on both platforms. Secondly, it will provide more popularity on both networks.

Connecting two accounts is beneficial, and it keeps both accounts active at the same time. When you post something on Instagram, it will be visible on your Facebook profile.

Easy to connect youth

Today, we find that age is no bar when it comes to using social media platforms. From young people to senior people, everyone can be found on them. However, Instagram is such a place which is exclusively for the young generation.

If your business has to be dealing with products or services that mainly attracts young people, using Instagram is more than essential for you. This platform will help your business to connect with younger people, who are more dynamic and technology oriented. Getting more and more such followers will help your business to grow.

No cost involved

Most of the social media networks are completely free for users. You can have accounts on them without paying a single penny. However, business marketing through them may involve some costs.

Facebook comes with a pricing chart for promoting business pages. However, thankfully, there is no such thing with Instagram. You can use this platform for free, and you can promote your products or business as brand through this network without any hassles. The only thing that you need is to invest enough time.

Putting posts on daily basis is the most beneficial thing, when it comes to business promotions through this social network.

Increase your brand value

Increase your brand value
Photo: JacobLund, Bigstock

A business always tries to maintain high brand value. That is something that determines the success rate of a company. Those, which have already established themselves as well known brands, can easily get customers or clients throughout the globe. To take your business to such stature, you need to put more time and money in social media campaigning. It will help your business to grow seamlessly.

Your business brand value is essential to give good growth to your business profitability. To make businesses more profitable, you need to invest time and money carefully.

You need to look for the possible measures to gain more followers on Instagram. As you get a high number of followers, business popularity will increase. Utmost enhancement in business popularity will result in a higher business brand value. Presence on social websites matters for the businesses.

Increase awareness of products or services

Businesses that take the risk of launching products or services with innovative concepts can simply use Instagram for business promotional purposes. Using this social media website will help them to create more awareness of products or services. It is a photo sharing media. Instead of texts, you need to share photos with followers. Thus, you can take this opportunity to share infographics with followers.

Sometimes, it is easier to make people understand about different aspects of the new products or services through pictorial representation rather than using text contents. So, this social media website gives you the unique opportunity to make people understand your products in better style.

Andy Murray considering retirement following Australian Open

Scottish tennis player, Andy Murray, has emotionally revealed that this year’s Wimbledon tournament is likely to be the swansong of his incredibly successful international tennis career. Murray has won three Grand Slam singles titles, including the 2012 US Open and the 2013 and 2016 Wimbledon singles titles. Murray’s 2013 Wimbledon victory meant he became the first British winner of the men’s singles tournament since Fred Perry in 1936.

Despite his illustrious career, it appears Murray will not be able to bow out on his own terms, having struggled with a serious hip injury since 2013. The chronic injury has been particularly bad since 2017, which has seen Murray’s world ranking slump to 240.

Murray was forced to withdraw from the 2018 Australian Open, citing his hip pain as almost unbearable. He subsequently underwent surgery in January of that year; however, the Scot did admit that the chances of the surgery fixing the problem were not particularly high. Unfortunately, it appears those words have become true.

In a media conference before the 2019 tournament, which is set to begin on the 14th of January, Murray has confirmed that he intends to play in the tournament. However, he has conceded that it could be his final Grand Slam if the pain proves too unbearable.

Murray was forced to leave mid-way through the conference to regain his composure, such has been the emotional toll. Moreover, the former world number one admitted that the chronic injury had been detracting from his enjoyment for the sport.

Despite his career not ending on his own terms, Murray has had an incredible tennis career. He spent 41 weeks as the number 1 ranked male tennis player in the world and currently has 45 career singles titles. The Scotsman has two Olympic gold medals to add to his trophy cabinet, along with two doubles titles with his brother, Jamie.

What will likely pain Murray the most is the fact that he was never able to clinch victory at the Australian Open, instead falling short as runner-up on five separate occasions. However, his 11 Grand Slam finals appearances and Davis Cup glory with Great Britain in 2015 will certainly ease that disappointment.

How to lose weight fast and naturally

Move over fad diets and fat-melting jiggle machines – we’ve got the real scoop on how to shed the kilos (backed by science and genuine success stories).

Whether you’re looking to lose weight for health reasons or aesthetic ones, the process is virtually the same: exercise and eat (real food) only when hungry. It’s generally not too complicated but it can be challenging, especially when you’re first starting out.

We’ve compiled a 12-step journey to losing weight. Ensure that you have a chat with your doctor before you start as not all weight loss advice suits everybody. Your doctor can help you set realistic, safe goals (such as how much exercise you should do) and establish whether there are any issues around medications or health conditions that need to be dealt with. See your doctor if you are facing issues around eating, such as binge eating (consuming large amounts of food at once), purging or losing a significant amount of weight quickly.

7 Simple Tips for losing weight

Keep in mind that losing weight isn’t a linear process – there will be some days where your weight goes down and some days where it goes up. However, you should find that over a span of several weeks and months your weight is going down overall. If you’re also weight training, it’s possible to temporarily put on weight due to an increase in muscle mass.


Go low-carb

For over 150 years, people have used the low-carb diet as an effective way to lose weight. Modern scientific studies have shown that it is the best way to lose weight. Why? Because eating low-carb reduces levels of insulin, which causes your fat deposits to shrink and expel their energy. A study has shown that people consuming a low-carb diet lost over 300 extra calories a day at rest, meaning you’ll lose extra weight without having to do extra exercise.

Low-carb diets offer other benefits, too. They lower your blood pressure, blood sugar and triglycerides, whilst raising good HDL and improving cholesterol.

Of course, low-carb isn’t no-carb; carbohydrates provide an important source of energy to fuel our bodies, so it’s important to still include some in your diet. Aim for natural carbs found in vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains and avoid refined, processed carbs found in white rice and white bread.

The amount of carbs you should consume depends on the individual; factors such as current overall health, body composition, age, gender and levels of activity determine how many carbs a person should consume. For instance, someone eating a 2000-calorie diet should typically consume around 50-150 grams of carbs per day in order to lose weight. Experiment to find out what works for you, or see a doctor or personal trainer for personalised advice.

Eat a healthy diet

How to lose weight
Photo: pablomerchanm, Unsplash

It is important to replace your lost carbohydrates with other healthy macronutrients such as protein, fibre and fat, and to avoid refined and added sugars. Don’t follow the bad advice of “eat everything in moderation” – junk foods are never going to be good for you. Besides, after a few months, your body is unlikely to miss junk food at all.

Fat tends to get a bad rap, however low-fat diets have been largely discredited. Good fats are highly healthy and can help satiate you. Try to get a good balance of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in your diet and avoid trans and saturated fats where possible. Monounsaturated fats can reduce the risk of heart disease and are found in foods such as olive, canola, sunflower and peanut oil, nuts and avocados. Polyunsaturated fats are essential fats which your body can’t produce (but needs to function). They help build cell membranes and nerve encasings, help with inflammation, blood clotting and muscle movement. They can also reduce your blood pressure, and prevent and treat heart disease and stroke. You can get them from canola, corn and safflower oil, flaxeeds, walnuts and fatty fish like sardines and salmon.

While dairy, fruit and nuts can be enjoyed in moderation, don’t overindulge. The lactose in dairy can slow down the weight loss process and create a strong insulin response (butter is the exception to this). Nuts can contain a large amount of carbohydrates, so watch out that you’re not eating too many – cashews are one of the worst (20% carbs by weight). And fruit typically contains a large amount of sugar (mangoes contain 46 grams of sugar!). Swap high-sugar dried and tropical fruits for low-sugar berries, lemons and limes. Kiwifruit, apricots, rhubarb and guavas are low in sugar, too.

Eat only when hungry

How to lose weight
Photo: Peter Hershey, Unsplash

Frequently eating food when you’re not hungry is one of the biggest reasons why people on weight loss programs put on weight. Avoid unnecessary snacking.

Some of the common snack foods people overeat include:


Nuts are an easy thing to keep eating, so make sure you portion them out into a small bowl rather than taking the whole bag with you to the couch. Studies suggest that salted nuts are more difficult to stop eating than unsalted nuts, so opt for unsalted where possible.


Dairy is another food group that is easy to binge on. Cheese and cream are some of the biggest culprits, frequently making their way into coffees and salads. It’s fine to have some, just don’t go mindlessly overboard.

Low-carb baked goods

We can get carried away sometimes with how proud we are of our almond-flour and agave-nectar-brownies and eat one, two or three too many…and then find we’re putting on weight. Stick to having one every now and then as a treat rather than a daily staple.

Instead of snacking, try to stick to your three main meals – though if you’re not feeling hungry at breakfast (or any meal for that matter), don’t eat.

Some tips for avoiding excessive snacking include:

Staying busy

Being occupied with work, family commitments, hobbies and your social life can help keep your mind off the desire to eat.

Limiting your portion sizes

Having a whole bag of chips or nuts (even if they’re healthy ones) open on your desk makes it all too easy to overindulge. Grab a small bowl and put a handful of food into it – this stops you from mindlessly consuming too many calories.


Studies have shown that people who eat mindfully enjoy their food more and have less of a struggle controlling their eating. Mindfulness is the Buddhist practice of being aware of oneself and one’s surroundings and being tuned into one’s senses. Mindfulness can help reduce stress and improve digestion.

You can practice mindful eating by:

  • Paying attention to the sensory experience of eating; focus on the textures, colours, smells and flavours of your food
  • Getting rid of distractions such as the television when eating
  • Being aware of feelings such as anxiety and guilt around eating and releasing these feelings (or dealing with them with the help of a therapist)
  • Eating in silence for 5 minutes and considering everything that went into your meal, from the farmer to plate
  • Eating slowly using small bites
  • Using chopsticks or your non-dominant hand to eat with
  • Tuning into your body when you get a craving; ask yourself if you’re really hungry or whether you’d rather go for a walk or read a book.

Avoid alcohol

How to lose weight
Photo: Helena Yankovska, Unsplash

There are several ways that alcohol can contribute to weight gain: it’s typically high in calories, can cause hunger, stop your body from burning fat and lead to poor food choices. While weight gain depends on factors such as age and gender, how much you drink, what kind of alcohol you’re drinking and what you eat whilst drinking, it’s a good idea to try to avoid it if you can.

If you are going to drink, try to stick to wine, dry champagne or hard liquor like vodka or whisky as these are low in sugar and carbs. Sweetened cocktails and other sweetened drinks like champagne aren’t ideal. Beer is possibly the worst drink for losing weight as it consists of quickly digested carbs that stop fat from being burned.

Skip the artificial sweeteners

Studies suggest that artificial sweeteners can increase cravings for sweet food and increase appetite. This may be due to the fact that when the body detects a sweetener, it boosts the secretion of insulin in the expectation of sugar – when no sugar comes, blood sugar lowers and hunger increases. Artificial sweeteners can keep you addicted to sweet foods and cause cravings. Plus, the long-term effects of artificial sweeteners on the body are not known.

Note: Stevia is not a natural sweetener; this is a marketing gimmick. While it is derived from the stevia plant, the Nestle brand Stevia is processed with ethanol in a lab and is therefore not natural.

Get enough rest

Lethargic tired man lying in bed yawning as he struggles to wake up unmotivated to start the new day and content to rather continue lying in bed as he holds his alarm clock in his hand
Photo: Oocoskun, BS

Did you know that getting plenty of sleep is almost (possibly even equally) as important as your diet? Studies have shown that poor sleep is linked to a higher BMI, increased appetite, lower self-control and weight gain. Plus, sleep disorders such as sleep apnea are made worse by weight gain.

In contrast, getting enough sleep can help you to fight cravings, give you the energy to exercise and stay disciplined, and prevent insulin resistance. You can create healthy sleeping habits for yourself by doing the following:

  • Increase bright light and sunlight exposure during the day, and reduce blue light exposure at night to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day
  • Avoid eating late at night
  • Limit irregular or extensive daytime naps
  • Wake up and go to bed at consistent times
  • Get a melatonin prescription from your doctor (over-the-counter forms aren’t as effective)
  • Avoid alcohol, which can increase sleep apnea symptoms and snoring
  • Set a comfortable bedroom temperature (around 20 degrees)
  • Practice relaxation techniques before bed, such as meditation, a hot bath, a massage, deep breathing and listening to relaxing music.

Reduce stress

Body positive, yoga, meditation, tranquility, relax. Overweight woman meditating sitting at yoga mat outdoors. high self esteem, no complex, free your mind concept
Photo: Flotsam, BS

Chronic stress levels can amplify the stress hormones in your body, leading to stronger sensations of hunger and thus more weight gain. Make sure to engage in self-care routines and practices to stop excess stress from impacting you. Some tips for reducing stress include:

  • Engaging in relaxation practices such as meditation, mindfulness, yoga/pilates, bathing, art-making, journaling, massage, deep breathing, visualisation, and listening to relaxing music
  • Exercise
  • Seeing a psychologist or counsellor
  • Getting a good night’s rest
  • Having work-life balance.

Assess medications

How to lose weight
Photo: stevepb, Pixabay

You may want to review the medications you’re taking with your doctor – many prescription medications can hinder weight loss. While you may be required to continue taking the drug, you may be able to adjust it to a smaller dosage – chat with your doctor.  Some of the biggest culprits are:


The oral drug (not so much in its topical or nasal forms) often leads to long-term weight gain, especially when taken at a high dosage.

Insulin injections

Especially when taken at a high dose, these are one of the major barriers for weight loss. You may be able to deal with this by eating less carbs, treating with Metformin or trying a different drug.

Other diabetes drugs

Medications which release insulin, such as Glibenclamide, Avandia, Minodiab, NovoNorm, Daonil and Starlix, can often lead to weight gain. Metformin doesn’t seem to, however.

Antidepressant medications

Some antidepressants are reported to cause weight gain, such as Tryptizol, Remeron, Clomipramine, Saroten, and Lithium. SSRI’s like Citalopram and Sertraline don’t appear to affect weight as much.

Some contraceptives

Contraceptives which contain only progesterone with no estrogen, such as the mini-pill, implant and injection, may lead to a slight gain in weight.

Allergy drugs

Antihistamines, especially when taken at a high dosage, may lead to weight gain.

Blood pressure medications

Those in the form of beta blockers, such as Atenolol and Seloken, can contribute to weight gain.

Epilepsy drugs

Epilepsy medications such as Valproate can lead to weight gain.

Look after your gut bacteria

How to lose weight
Photo: Brooke Lark, Unsplash

There are trillions of good bacteria in your body, working hard to keep you healthy. Most of the bacteria are located in your intestines (the “gut”), where they produce vitamins, help with inflammation and communicate with the immune system to ward off infection. Importantly, the bacteria also affect digestion and create chemicals that make you feel full.

Studies have shown that people who are obese have different (and less diverse) bacteria in the gut to non-obese people. Certain types of gut bacteria can digest fibre, helping with weight loss. They can also help you feel fuller which can help stop you from overeating.

As such, it is important to take care of your gut bacteria by consuming foods which help, rather than harm them.

How to lose weight - infographic

Foods to avoid:

  • Sugary food: High-sugar diets can promote the growth of unhealthy gut bacteria, which may lead to weight gain and other health issues.
  • Foods with unhealthy fats: Too much saturated fat can lead to the production of disease-causing bacteria.
  • Artificial sweeteners: These reduce the amount of good bacteria in the gut and may lead to high blood sugar levels.

Foods for good gut health:

  • Fermented foods: Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir and kombucha contain good bacteria and can reduce the amount of disease-causing bacteria in the gut.
  • Whole grains: Unlike white bread or white rice, whole grains are unrefined. This means that they are higher in fibre, which can help with weight loss.
  • Polyphenol-rich foods: Foods high in polyphenols, such as green tea, dark chocolate and red wine, are broken down by beneficial bacteria in the gut and can lead to an increase in good bacteria.


Exercise isn’t the first step in your weight loss
Photo: New Africa, BS

Exercise isn’t the first step in your weight loss journey for a reason – your diet is arguably the most important factor. Your body expends calories not just through exercise (which contributes around 10-30%) – 60-80% of it is used by your basal metabolic rate and 10% through digestion. Exercise can increase your appetite, potentially leading to over-eating if you’re not careful. Experts suggest that if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s better to eat less than to exercise and eat the same amount.

However, exercise can accelerate weight loss by burning your body’s stores of glycogen. It also comes with a host of other health benefits, such as improved heart health and lowered risk of type 2 diabetes.

The good news is that you don’t have to run on the treadmill for an hour a day – even walking, fidgeting and typing can burn calories. Focus on doing physical activity you enjoy – like dance, golf or tennis – several times a week, rather than spending 2 hours at the gym every day.

Aim for optimal ketosis

How to lose weight
Photo: kateredfern, Unsplash

Skip this step if you’re a type 1 diabetic. If you’re struggling to lose weight and have tried the other steps, optimal ketosis may be able to help. This involves getting your body into a state in which you have a very high rate of burning fat, whereby you have a sufficient amount of ketones in your bloodstream. Ketones are proof that your levels of insulin are low.

To measure your ketones, get yourself a blood ketone meter, which works by pricking your finger with a needle to test your ketone levels. If you can’t afford one, you can use urine test sticks, which aren’t as reliable but are cheaper. It is best to test your blood ketones in the morning (before breakfast).

  • < 0.5 mmol/L is not ketosis. You’re far from ideal fat-burning.
  • 5-1.5 mmol/L is light ketosis. You’re getting a decent effect, but not optimal.
  • 5-3 mmol/L is optimal ketosis. You’re in the maximum weight loss zone!
  • > 3 mmol/L isn’t necessary. You’re not getting any benefits that you weren’t getting in the optimal zone. Higher numbers may mean you’re not getting enough food.

To achieve optimal ketosis, reduce your carbohydrate intake and be cautious of your protein intake – large amounts of protein may be converted into glucose in the body, raising your insulin levels. To do this, try to put more fat into your diet – “fat coffee” is a popular trick which works to fill you up more whilst achieving optimal ketosis.

Check your hormones and vitamins

How to lose weight
Photo: Comfreak, Pixabay

If you’re still struggling to lose weight, get your hormones and vitamin levels checked by your doctor.

Your body requires essential vitamins and minerals in order to work properly. Some studies suggest that having enough of them can reduce hunger and cravings, thus aiding weight loss. The two most well-researched vitamin supplements for weight loss are:


A study found that people who took a multivitamin for 6 months lost 3kg more weight and had better health markers than people who took a placebo. This suggests that taking a multivitamin may be beneficial.

Vitamin D

Another study found that when compared to a placebo, Vitamin D supplements reduced fat weight and waist measurement. Vitamin D may be worth supplementing if you are deficient.

Hormone wise, there are three key ones to consider:

Thyroid hormone

For people with hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency), decreased metabolism may be an issue that causes them to gain weight. Symptoms include constipation, fatigue, dry skin and weight gain. Your doctor may get you to take a blood test to find out if you are deficient. If so, you can take an oral supplement and/or consume more iodine.

Stress hormones

Stress hormones such as cortisol can lead to an increase in appetite and thereby weight gain. Stress hormones are, as you can imagine, elevated by chronic stress and not getting enough sleep.

Sex hormones

An imbalance of sex hormones can also lead to weight gain. Check with your doctor to find out if you have any of the following:


Polycystic ovarian syndrome can increase testosterone and insulin levels, which can lead to weight gain, infertility, acne, menstrual issues and excess hair growth. Menopause can cause levels of estrogen to drop, leading to weight gain especially around the belly.


Proceeding middle age, men’s levels of testosterone start to drop, leading to an increase in weight gain (especially around the gut) and a loss of muscle mass.

Your doctor may be able to prescribe you a supplement if they deem it suitable.


Losing weight doesn’t have to be difficult. See your doctor to get help creating a personalised weight loss plan to maximise your chances of success. And remember to be patient!

How to get your resume past an Applicant Tracking System

Your resume is the sum of your qualifications and experience that you submit to a prospective employer. Naturally, making sure your resume is noticed and reviewed is important for any job seeker.

While it’s hard enough for many people to get their resume noticed by human eyes it’s now even more difficult as online processing applications will screen digitally submitted resumes. Since so many jobs will require you to submit your resume online it’s nearly impossible to avoid the ATS (Applicant Tracking System).

While most small organisations won’t use an ATS you can be sure that most medium to large ones do. This software screens the large volume of resumes it receives and rejects huge quantities because they did not display the right qualifications or were not formatted in a way the system could read.

It would be incredibly discouraging to find out that your resume was rejected because it wasn’t able to be read by a computer. This is why it’s important to carefully prepare your resume so that it is as appealing as possible to this automated system.

Let’s take a look at the best resume strategies you can use to get past an applicant tracking system and land an interview.

Use relevant keywords in your application

Be sure to include keywords relevant to the position you’re applying for in your application. Read the job description carefully and visit the employer’s website to see if there is more information available.

Create a list of phrases or specific words that are common in this type of job description and use them where appropriate in your application. The ATS is designed to scan your application for these keywords as part of its screening process.

If you can’t find a good way to incorporate keywords in a prior job description then use the skills or summary section to include them. While being honest, make sure that terms outlined in the job description are addressed by your resume.

Remember to use these keywords in a meaningful way and to no “keyword stuff” your resume. An ATS will red flag a keyword stuffed resume and send it to the application graveyard.

Keep fonts and formatting simple

It would be unfortunate if your professional resume was rejected simply because the ATS was unable to comprehend it. Avoid using fancy formatting or fonts in your resume.

Often an ATS will use OCR (optical character recognition) software to scan your document and convert it into plain text which it then reviews. While this technology is improving it is safer not to take any chances and make the recognition of characters in your application as easy as possible.

Readability is everything. Make sure to use standard fonts like Times New Roman, Arial or Veranda and scrap any fancy graphics, artefacts or layouts that harm readability.

Stick to regular types of heading such as work experience, educations, skill and summary. Make sure that your contact information is included in the body of the document and not in a header or footer.

Also, make sure that you save your document as a word or plain text document. PDF documents can be hard for some ATS programs to read.

Include the dates of your employment

Sometimes an ATS will screen resumes based on the time worked in previous roles. Make sure that your work experience is formatted in reverse chronological order and uses the same layout for each position.

Make sure the resume is readable by humans too

Since the end goal of getting past the ATS is for a human to review your resume, it’s important to remember that it needs to be appealing to them as well. Since many employers will do a follow-up internet search of you it’s important to make sure your online presence matches what’s on the resume.

After all, humans hire humans. Make sure that your resume is tailored for both the ATS and the employer who will actually consider it.

6 Surefire ways to boost e-commerce customer engagement

Customer engagement is the future of e-commerce.
~ Brennan Loh, Business Development Head, Shopify

According to a study of Australia’s e-commerce market, user penetration in 2018 is 51% but it is set to rise to 57.4% in 2022. Indeed a rosy picture for e-commerce ventures. However, with more 110,000 e-commerce sites to choose from, engaging a customer who is already distracted by so many options is a hard nut to crack.

Moreover, an alarming raise in e-commerce bounce rate of 45% has forced the businesses to revisit their business strategies and incorporate new ways to boost customer engagement.

The success rate of engaging a customer decides the success of any e-commerce venture. It is the strongest indicator of a customer’s feelings about any brand. No wonder marketers are burning midnight oil to increase user-engagement. Various metrics like bounce rate, page views, activity time, open rates, visit frequency, and core user actions are being closely measured and monitored by businesses.

They are constantly measuring their success-rate in customer engagement and seeking newer ways to engage their customer. So here we are, with a list of 6 surefire ways that can boost e-commerce customer engagement. Let’s have a read and work towards more customer engagements.

Provide the best shopping experience

User experience is the key driver of customer engagement. According to a study, 86% of the e-commerce customers would readily pay a bit higher price if they are offered better customer experience. By offering a better online experience, brands can engage the customers and satisfy them. It should not only have an appealing interface but should also be intuitive to offer an experience the shopper cannot find anywhere else.

Pro tip
Boost the page load speed, simplify the navigation, provide easy checkout options, enhance the search option, and add videos/high definition images to provide the best shopping experience through your e-commerce website design.

Offer a value proposition they cannot ignore

Value proposition is the reason why customers buy any product or service. It sets one e-commerce store apart from the other. Moreover, an e-commerce customer is always looking for value in any purchase. Offering a value proposition that cannot be ignored is a great way to boost customer engagement. The better value you offer to your customers, the more engaged they will become with your brand. The value proposition should clearly outline the points that set your products or services apart from your competitors.

Pro tip
Promotional offers, discounted price, faster delivery, 24/7 support, quality proof, reviews, etc., can grasp the fancy of the customers and engage them with your brand.

Incentivise brand advocates

While trying to boost e-commerce customer engagement, many brands ignore the customers who are already engaged. These customers can prove helpful in getting new engagements. Find customers who are sharing your products and start a conversation. Leverage positive reviews and social media platforms to identify satisfied customers.

Offering giveaways can be a great way to incentivise these engaged customers and turn them into brand advocates. These brand advocates can bring more customers through different marketing means. You can also create community forums for the loyal brand advocates where they can interact with other buyers with similar interests.

Pro tip
Give away incentives like wallet money, cash backs, discounts etc., for as many shoppers the customers can bring.

Reward customers for reviews & feedback

Enabling customer reviews, feedback and testimonials are a great way to boost the customer engagement on e-commerce sites. Reviews not only engage the customers who are posting them but also engage other customers who are seeking more information about the product or service. Provide options to comment, acknowledge reviews, and work on feedback to encourage the customers to speak up.

Pro tip
Incentivise reviews or testimonials. Reward the customers with free goodies like vouchers, discounts, cash backs etc., to encourage engagement.

Integrate AI-enabled chatbots for live support

There is no better way to engage a customer than by providing solutions to their queries right when it has arisen. Live support is a proven means for boosting customer engagement. The emergence of chatbots has enhanced customer engagement by providing an instantaneous reply to any query. These chatbots work on Artificial Learning and can decipher the human requirements and come up with an instant reply. While earlier chatbots came with a preset reply, now they are becoming automated and offering more personalised solutions to the buyer queries.

Pro tip
Integrate automated chatbots working for live support can be of great help in engaging the customers for a longer time. Provide a VIP treatment to all the customers by analyzing their preferences and solving their queries.

Surprise with ultra-personalised outreach

Personalised shopping experience is something every customer is looking forward to on any e-commerce site. With e-commerce players like Amazon offering product suggestions, discount on cart items etc., it has become important for the e-commerce sites to analyse the customer data and offer a personal experience. Offering real-time personalised deals can be a great way to grab attention and engage customers. Big data, reflecting the customer’s shopping behaviour and preferences, can be used to surprise the customers with an ultra-personalised outreach.

Pro tip
Study the big data and offer personalisation. Focus the marketing and advertising campaigns around the preferences, location, social platform etc., of the customer.

By offering a value proposition, rewarding customers for reviews, providing best shopping experience, integrating live support chatbots, offering personalised experience, and incentivising brand advocates, businesses can boost their e-commerce customer engagement. Once you’ve started getting more engagements, you can also incorporate effective strategies to stay ahead and grow in e-commerce.

3 best gates and balustrades suppliers in Perth

The balustrading and gate of your home is one of the most important features, especially if you are in the market to sell. First impressions of a home are made before people even walk through the door so you want to be sure that every little detail is aesthetically pleasing. If you are building a new home or repairing an existing one, it is important that you choose the right supplier to go along with your design.

Experienced and trustworthy suppliers are able to give solid advice as well as design and material recommendations for your home. With the right amount of experience and expertise that will be able to recommend materials that are right to withstand the weather conditions that may affect your house. Choosing the improper material will just lead to a damaged gate and balustrade that needs to be replaced in the long run anyway. Choosing the best gate and balustrade supplier simply saves you time and money!

To help you find the best gate and balustrade supplier in Perth, we have done copious amounts of research to bring you a list of the top 3.

The top gates and balustrades suppliers in Perth:

No.: Supplier: Website:
1 Ironstyle www.ironstyle.net.au
2 Balustrade Design www.balustradedesign.com.au
3 Affordable Balustrades www.affordablebalustrades.com.au


#1 Ironstyle

Ironstyle has been an owner operated business since its formation in 1984.Since their establishment they have been a part of some very impressive projects in the Perth region, including many homes and businesses. Ironstyle’s specialty is working with wrought iron but they are also equipped in dealing with aluminium and stainless steel depending on their clients personal needs. If you have an idea in mind, the highly experienced team at Ironstyle are more than happy to help.

Balustrade suppliers
Photo: Alexskp, Bigstock

At Ironstyle there are two divisions into how they operate:

Commercial sector
Ironstyle has a specialty of working with project and managers to ensure that your home is constructed to your exact liking. They work closely with their clients to deliver a solution that is seamless, cost effective and most importantly is completed to your expected timeline to ensure expectations are met. To give peace of mind, Ironstyle have been working with commercial property projects for countless years providing effective solutions for balustrades, gates, fences, staircases and even security. No matter what type of commercial property you have in mind, Ironstyle are here to help all homes from small town houses to massive multi-complex buildings.

Residential Division
Ironstyle’s residential division is one of the longest running in all of Western Australia. Since their formation in 1984, Ironstyle have been assisting their clients to help provide the perfect vision for their homes. While their specialty definitely lies with wrought iron, they have kept up with modern technology and market trends to be able to provide their customers with every type of suitable material and unique designs. To make the process a lot easier for all parties involved, Ironstyle will come out to your property for a consultation, measure and discuss designs and possible materials that will ensure that you get the max amount of time out of your balustrades and gates. All the work conducted by Ironstyle is done by a professional craftsman at their O’Connor factory where they pride themselves on each piece of work that they deliver.

Working with a company that prides themselves on all of their work and will go the extra mile to make sure that you are happy with their work is the company that you want to work with. When you are dealing with large investments, especially the design or redesign of your home, everything needs to be carried at perfectly and Ironstyle are equipped in doing that.

#2 Balustrade Design

Balustrades and gates
Photo: PIRO4D, Pixabay

Balustrade Design is a family owned and operated business that is equipped in offering a vast range of high quality products. By providing a friendly and personalised service, Balustrade Design are able to tailor their products to suit your project and the vision that you have in mind. Understanding what goes into the gate and balustrading process is very important as you can understand where your money is going and what the timeline for the products should be. Balustrade Design provide all of their clients with the information that they need throughout the designing, manufacturing and installation processes so you are aware at all times what the current status of your project is.

The team at Balustrade Design have been servicing the Perth region and the entire Western Australia market for just under 2 decades. From their very successful operational run, they have been able to build a strong reputation for themselves which is a supplier of high quality goods, along, with professionals who are skilful, knowledgeable and have the expertise to provide the best balustrade and gate solution.

Balustrade Design are able to accommodate their services to accomplish projects of all shapes and sizes. Whether you have a large commercial estate or a medium sized residential sized project, Balustrade Design have the relevant experience to help you out. They are also equipped in dealing with projects that include single gates, handrails for stairs and even an entire bespoke. Regardless of the size or complexity of the project, Balustrade Design will work with you tirelessly to ensure that their team provides the solution that you are after in a cost-effective, timely and functional manner.

#3 Affordable Balustrades

Affordable Balustrades is also a family owned and operated that delivers high quality gating and balustrading solutions. If you have a commercial or residential project that is need of new balustrade or gates to be installed, you are in the very capable hands of Affordable Balustrades. Affordable Balustrades offer many high quality products that includes: aluminium, glass and stainless steel balustrades, glass pool fencing, rails for stairs and handrails, custom glass and stainless steel structures as well as gates, screens and fences.

Metal gates
Photo: Stevepb, Pixabay

The high quality and strength of the products that Affordable Balustrades produce is an integral part that goes into the safety factor that they have earned. Making sure that their products are made with only the best materials and crafted by the most skilled craftsmen ensures that their clients’ safety and wellbeing is not compromised. To make the experience a lot easier on you, Affordable Balustrades take care of the entire process from measurements to execution. The service starts with a consultation about designs, products and their application. Once a rough idea is pitched measurements are done and the first drafts can come in. If you are happy with the design and the placement, Affordable Balustrades will carry out the creation of the products and the final installation. By priding themselves on providing a professional and quality service, Affordable Balustrades have become one of the best gate and balustrade suppliers in Perth.

As their name would also entail, Affordable Balustrades are able to carry out the professional services at a very cost affordable price. Rather than seeking alternative companies that undercut the quality of products, go with a reliable supplier that you can tryst like Affordable Balustrades.

The ultimate 2019 Instagram hashtag cheat sheet

Despite being invented 12 years ago, social media hashtags still serve as a source of confusion to many. In a nutshell, hashtags are used to organise content and maximise one’s digital exposure as they make it easier to search for specific posts.

Many online platforms use hashtags but it is more apparent on Instagram, a platform where people use from 5 to 30 hashtags under each publication. And it isn’t just influencers and personal brands benefiting from a successful Instagram account; according to the recent study by Hootsuite, 72% of users have bought a product they saw on Instagram, making the app a perfect platform for B2C companies.

To build a strong follower base and achieve the most success, it is important to engage the audience with hashtags. This study shows that Instagram posts with hashtags have 12.6% more engagement, but adding hashtags won’t yield results if you do it rashly. Check out this 2019 Instagram hashtag cheat sheet to get the most out of your social media marketing.

Step 1: identify your audience and plan content

Your hashtags should both relate to the content you post and your target audience. With 30 hashtags available per post, we recommend using the trendy ones that describe your pictures and ones that are searched by your audience. Don’t forget to monitor the competition to see what works for them!

Pro Tip: Even if you’ve spotted a popular hashtag that has the potential of generating great engagement, do not use it if it’s not related to your post. That might have a number of negative impacts, including your post not showing in your followers’ feed at all.

Step 2: follow your target hashtags

This feature has been introduced not a long ago but users already love it. Follow the most important hashtags, and Instagram will automatically generate hashtag suggestions for you. This is a great function, which might help you find new relevant hashtags and users to follow.

Step 3: filter hashtags by the numbers

When you add hashtags in the caption, you will notice a number next to them. That number indicates how many posts are currently tagged with that hashtag. The higher the number, the less likely your post will be featured in this hashtag top posts.

However, that doesn’t mean you should ignore hashtags that are popular. A perfect hashtag would range from 5,000 to 500,000 posts. However, don’t ignore the hashtags relevant to your post even if they appear under few publications; like that, you might attract highly targeted traffic.

Step 4: test different hashtags

If you use the same hashtags, there is a high chance of getting marked as a spammer. Get yourself different sets of hashtags you can use under your publications. It won’t only help you avoid being reported but also attract new followers.

Step 5: get yourself a branded hashtag

Create a hashtag specific to your business or a personal brand that you can use on every post to stand out. Branded hashtags are useful when someone is searching for your content or when you launch Instagram promotions.

Step 6: use location-specific hashtags in your Instagram stories

Location hashtags
Use locations in your hashtags. Photo: Jeremy Levin, Pexels

Instagram users love to know what is going on in their neighbourhoods, and a great way to leverage that is through location-specific hashtags. If you add a relevant hashtag to your Insta story, it might show up in the public story for that hashtag, further increasing your exposure.

The key to success is to create sets of popular hashtags relevant to your posts. Here are some ideas you can try out in 2019:

Top travel hashtags:

#Travel, #Vacation2019, #VacationTime, #Wanderlust, #Adventure, #TravelMore, #TravelBlogger, #TravelBlog, #Traveller, #LoveToTravel, #AdventureSeeker, #DoYouTravel, #GoExplore, #RoamThePlanet, #AdventureTime, #AdventureLife, #Hiking, #Travelpreneur, #DigitalNomad

Top food hashtags:

#Eeeeeats, #Eeeeeats, #FoodPorn, #Foodgasm, #Foodie, #ForkYeah, #FoodInTheAir, #Delish, #EatingForTheInsta, #CleanEating, #Nomnomnom, #WineAndDine, #HealthyMeals, #HealthyCooking, #Cooking, #CookBook2019, #Recipes, #NewRecipe

Top fitness hashtags:

#ExerciseTime, #FitnessJunkie, #FitFam, #InstaFitness, #Fitness, .#Fitporation, #FitForLife, #FitLifestyle, #FitJourney, #FitGoals, #WorkoutTime, #HomeWorkout,, #FitFun #HandleIt, #FitnessGuru, #FitnessBody, #FitnessBlogge, #FitnessAddict

Top fashion hashtags:

#FashionDiaries, #OOTD, #Style #InstaFashion fashionista, #Fashionable, #Model, #Look, #Modeling, #Style, #PhotoOfTheDay, #InstaHair, #InstaMakeup, #InstaShoes, #Cute, #Trendy, #FashionBlogger

Once you perfect the hashtag strategy that works best for you, you will be well on your way to expanding your followers. With the right hashtags, it will become easier to find the right people to follow and attract followers interested in your content.


Cyber threat prevention techniques every business needs

Organizations have got struck with many malware and ransomware attacks and threats for the past few years. So, there is a chance to adopt measures and technologies that can help in the cyber threat prevention process. This will need them to update defenses and measures that can help them stay secure.

If we rewind the clocks some years back, the mindset that prevailed in the cybersecurity industry revolved around:

Cybersecurity controls aren’t as effective as they should be.

This provides opportunities to elements that try to evade cyber threat prevention measures. Also, they try to compromise networks and commit data breaches. So, they concluded that preventing attacks can be a folly.

Organisations should think about incident detection and response practices. This concept shook the industry and divided organisations as:

  • Organisations that have suffered from breaches
  • Organisations that were hit and are unaware of this.

Although these statements are true. There have been loop holes in most of the security technology in the past. The security features were to get designed to combat known threats. They were quite flat making them vulnerable to breaches and attacks.

Due to these shortcomings, organisations started spending much time and money on new technologies. These technologies specialised in detecting threats. These include threat prevention and detection techniques like malware sandboxes, UEBA, EDR, network security data. Now the issue at hand was not the threats but the lack of resources. Organisations realized that they don’t have the correct human capital to handle these techniques.

Time passed by and there were even more advanced threat prevention techniques.

With these advanced threat prevention techniques at hand, the trade took a drastic turn. Cybersecurity technology providers and service providers introduced a wide range of technologies. These included services like TWC internet and phone. These were some advanced threat prevention technologies. It comprised of good tools for blocking vulnerabilities, attack vectors and malware threats. The derivative effect that results in a decline. Also a decline in complications caused during the threat detection process. With these technologies in the market, organisations will try to make the best deployments.

These might include:

Next Generation Endpoint Security

The biggest technology breakthroughs happened when there was an addition of real-time analysis. This included machine learning algorithms that detect malware and block them out. These innovations help in addressing high level problems and detect and block any type of threat. These provide the basis for McAfee, Sophos and many other that aid in cyber threat prevention

Threat Intelligence Gateways

Efforts will help threat intelligence become functional and running over the recent years. Threat detection gateways include Centripetal Networks, Ixia, LookingGlass Networks, and others. These are capable of transforming the tiring practice of threat intelligence and making it simpler. This gets high volumes of threats blocked at the network perimeter.

Secured DNS

These are a little like threat gateways. Secure DNS services keep a track of malicious domains, zones, and block them without making any more effort. Also, there are many free secure DNS services offered, including the most recent Quad9.

Smart Application Controls

There are tools that profile applications. They also determine a baseline of normal operations performed. These cyber threat prevention tools send out a notification to the users when there is something wrong or abnormal. Tools like VMware AppDefense, Edgewise, ThreatStack are a good example of software to be used in this instance.

Here, one should also keep in mind that there is no such policy as “set and forget it” when it comes to security technology. These tools don’t need you to keep a constant watch on them and constant feeding of information. This is what makes CISO so powerful given that they can work on their own. They don’t need you to man up a thousand employees to make sure that things are running smooth. It takes much time for deployment or customization. Also, it doesn’t take much effort to train your staff and then enjoy all the investment and manpower you have injected into the system.

Cybersecurity and hacktivists or any other threat that are there in the cyberspace will continue to threaten or aid any kind of threat. These will face higher, better and smarter adversaries in the coming times. There is no doubt that a part of the cyber threat prevention and resistance against such culprits has already begun. It will become stronger by the passage of time.


Another aspect of this whole conversation is doing better than your competitors. Businesses a make a tremendous amount of investments when it comes to cybersecurity. So, if you want the best profits or security you have to make sure that you are investing in the most updated security system. Above all, a security that answers your business needs.