5 reasons why you should consider compact baby strollers for your newborn

baby strollers

When it comes to caring for your new infant, their health, protection and safety are the most important things on your mind. Your everyday routine is going to get rather hectic after you have a child, so it’s certainly worth investing in items that are going to make your life easier.

Because of this, compact baby strollers are items you should have on your to-buy list in preparation for the day you bring your child home from the hospital.

Here are 5 obvious benefits to purchasing compact baby strollers.

Practical convenience

One of the main benefits of compact baby strollers is their practical convenience. As the name suggests, these prams are incredibly easy to transport. Simply fold the pram and store it in the boot of your car. It takes up barely any space, so it’s logistically efficient too. These days, you shouldn’t have to compromise on functionality and convenience, and with compact baby strollers you don’t have to. See more options at www.baccaniprams.com.au

Terrific performance

Ask any parent and they’ll tell you that compact baby strollers are highly functional. How so? Well, they are easy to steer because of their strong wheels and are incredibly sturdy. On top of this, they are also incredibly lightweight, which means they are easy to carry when you have them folded. Many of them even come with some nifty storage compartments, so you can easily store your child’s favourite toy, your mobile phone or some snacks for when your little one is upset or hungry.

Comfortable for the child

Most importantly, compact baby strollers are proven to be some of the most comfortable prams in the business. At the end of the day, your child’s comfort should be the most important consideration. An uncomfortable pram will only cause the child further distress, meaning you’ll spend many afternoons in the park with a squealing infant. But why are they so comfy? Many prams come with extra padding in the seats, along with recliner leg rests and sunshades. This will protect your child from any glare or sun (so no sunburn), while giving them the best chance of falling asleep. With a high-quality pram, you’ll start to enjoy long afternoon walks with a sleeping infant.


Raising a child is an incredibly expensive endeavour. In fact, the cost of raising two children from birth to when they leave home (in a middle-income family) is approximately $300 000. Higher income households will often spend in excess of a million dollars on their child. Let’s face it, some of these numbers are mind-boggling, but when you factor in everything (food, clothing, shelter, education etc.) it begins to add up and make sense.

Naturally, any way you can save some money without compromising your child’s health and upbringing is a worthy consideration. Thankfully, compact baby strollers are priced at affordable and convenient price points, so you can easily get your hands on a practical and safe pram without endangering your child’s wellbeing.

Easy to use for anyone (city, suburban)

Finally, compact baby strollers are beneficial because they are easy to use in any type of environment. Whether it be wide open pathways of suburban residential areas or the congested streets of Sydney’s CBD, these types of prams are easy to navigate and use. Because they are easy to use (regardless of one’s strength and size), you won’t be stressed or worried at the prospect of pushing the pram through a public space.


In conclusion, there are many benefits of using modern prams for your children. In a nutshell, they are safer, comfier and easy to use/navigate. So, what are you waiting for?



By Samantha Rigby

Samantha is the head of content, lifestyle and entrepreneurial columnist for Best in Australia. She is also a contributor to Forbes and SH. Prior to joining the Best in Au, she was a reporter and business journalist for local newspapers.

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