Practice makeover: how to design a modern medical office

Designing a medical practice requires incorporating several important elements into a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing background. If the perfect modern medical office is what you’re going for, you’re going to need to put some forethought and work into it. Planning for any interior design will require quite a bit of planning, which is why it’s important to do a thorough overview of all the changes you will be implementing.

1. Consider the main reasons for the makeover

Before you get to work on your office renovations, you need to ask yourself what drove you to this decision in the first place. Sometimes, answering this question isn’t easy and you can’t really put your finger on what needs changing.

To help you figure out what improvements need to be made, consider the three main elements of your medical office, which include space, productivity, and appearance. The most noticeable thing your office might lack is space. If there isn’t enough room to go around, that could affect your ability to accommodate patients.

A good appearance is important for any medical facility, as it can significantly influence the comfort of your patients. Not to mention, a presentable and tidy office will alleviate the patient’s fear of unsanitary conditions and germs.

2. Design for productivity

A medical office needs to feel like a proper small-scale facility. When patients come in for a check-up, they shouldn’t feel like they are entering a normal office with medical equipment scattered about.

Medical supplies and equipment need to be placed in a way that allows the doctor to easily access them when necessary. If the room is used for specific interventions that are done on a medical examination table, it should be placed in a way that gives room for the doctor to maneuver around it with ease. Supplies should be set on a mobile medicine cart that can be positioned within arm’s reach of the medical professional.

3. Step in the patient’s shoes

If you put yourself in the patient’s shoes, what kind of medical office would you find trustworthy? Start from the waiting room. Are the chairs comfortable enough for a long wait? If the weather outside is scorching, can the AC keep the waiting room cool?

In the office itself, you need to make sure that the interior gives off the impression of a professional environment. This means that everything needs to be put in its place. Files can’t be scattered around the room and medical equipment needs to be clean and well-paced. For this, make sure that you have ample storage to rid the office of any extra clutter.

Practice makeover: how to design a modern medical office
Photo: Daniel Frank, Pexels.

4. Be mindful of your budget

There’s no doubt that redesigning a medical office is going to cost you a lot of money. It’s important that you stay mindful of the budget you set for yourself because renovation projects tend to draw out and cost a lot more than you originally anticipated.

When it comes to designing a medical practice, you need to take a look at a couple of key things that will shape your budget. The type of furniture you outfit the practice with will have to accommodate those with disabilities. A nice couch might be comfortable to sit in, but an elderly person won’t be able to get out of one with ease. Chairs and benches with arms would be preferable.

Always take budget estimates with a grain of salt. Make sure your actual budget goes ten percent over any estimate you might have, just in case.

5. Organize the renovation

When it’s time to get down to the renovation, make sure you hire adequate experts that will know how to deal with building a medical practice. If more room needs to be introduced to the interior, you should consult medical practice design experts to help you out.

Makeovers that are mostly cosmetic will require a lot less work and it will cause fewer headaches, but they still need to be handled carefully. Consider the colour palettes and patterns that you want for your office before getting to work on it.


Designing a medical office might seem like a difficult task, but it’s made a lot easier when you properly plan for it. Equipment and logistics should be your main concerns, but patient comfort should always be a close second. If you consider these pointers, your office makeover should go off without a hitch.

Sasha Duncan
Sasha Duncan
Sasha Duncan is a journalist and literature enthusiast who enjoys writing and learning new things about interior design. She loves reading crime novels and being with her dogs, Maya and Buster.
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