Why does everyone love Nudus lipstick?

nudus lipstick
Nudus lipstick is the perfect addition to any outfit. Photo: Kaboompics, Pixabay

Nudus is a brand of organic lipsticks which is 100% natural and handcrafted with organic ingredients with combinations of ayurvedic colours and extracts made from flowers, fruits, herbs and minerals with organic cold pressed oils. It has all the goodness you need packed into one lipstick bullet.

So, why does everyone love Nudus Lipstick? It lasts till you want it to last. Okay! We get it so does the other 120000 liquid lipsticks. It’s richly pigmented which means less is the new more. A dash of Nudus is enough for the magic to happen.

If you’re still not happy with all that let us tell you that it’s handcrafted ayurvedic lipsticks. You can’t go wrong with that can you? The question still remains as to which shade of Nudus Lipstick suits you?

If you like to conquer

If you’re a conqueror of your mans’ heart, the mother of your children and the queen of your household.  You’re a Khaleesi and there’s something we have for every princess. You should go for something subtle to show off that power in your style which commands valor. Try out the Bitter Sweet Lip Euphoria for the bitter sweet Targaryen in you.

If you’re the devil wearing Prada

Be it the editor in chief of Runway or a personal assistant you always want to keep it chic and easy. Probably with a fun hair do and subtle lipstick which reads actions speak louder than words. Don’t you think a corporate girl would love something sassy that’s classy? Try the Dirty Diana Lip Euphoria for those who like to play dirty.

For every first date

For that every first date in high heels and the prettiest top you can find wear something that shows off those eyes and keep it simple on the lips.

Well if you don’t trust us ask Drew Barrymore who wore nude lipstick not to one but 50 of her first dates. Adam Sandler still fell for the act. Try out the Fairy Tale Lip Euphoria for those who want to take a head start on their happily ever after.

For all those 27 dresses

No better way to go to a wedding than going in a not so rude nude. You probably will steal the thunder but everything’s fair in love and war. The 27 Kisses Lip Euphoria for all those 27+ weddings you will be going to. You can never go out of style with this one.

For the risk-takers

If you are a risk-taker, you can certainly rock the Just like Jade Lip Euphoria.  It’s for the action hero you are and the wonder women you turn into because ultimately it is your job to save the day.

For your inner goddess, for the queen, the romantic, the chic, sexy and classy Nudus Lipstick has a shade for you. So if you’re convinced you’ll not only be asking yourself “where to buy Nudus Lipstick?” but also “how many different can I currently afford?!”

By Talia Williamson

Talia loves all things fashion and beauty. She has dedicated many years of her life towards this industry and she has first hand experience with the best it has to offer. Contact: [email protected]

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