How tall are you? Well, if this question is asked of a not-so-tall person, he/she wouldn’t feel too great about it! I mean who likes to be reminded about something that one is not too particularly proud of? Not me! But hey, you shouldn’t feel too bad about your height, after all, it’s your personality that powers over everything else, yes, even your height! Having said that, if you still don’t have to give up on your height! Yes, you can still increase your height by adding certain foods to your diet. Yes, it’s that simple, of course, you have to be diligent about it, eating right, most of the time and exercising. Exercise that is a topic we will focus on later, let’s dwell upon the food bit first.
So, how to increase your height?  While you know most of the details about eating right, do you know all about the foods that can help you to increase your height in a matter of a few months? You still do not believe us, do you? Well, don’t worry, we will list out a few food items for you, that will help accelerate the height-building process even if you consider yourself, too-over-the-hill for that!
Top foods to increase your height
Food is nourishment to your body, the right food can perform miracles, help you fight diseases, help you lose weight and also increase your height! Most people will argue that science has a different take on this, it says you cannot grow taller after 18.
Now, for the truth, the human body continues to promote HGH (human growth hormone) throughout your life and it is this hormone that helps your height to increase. Secreted by the pituitary glands, you can activate this hormone with the right foods and the right exercise regime.
How to increase height naturally?
Take a look at some of these foods that add a few extra inches to your height:
Beans – Beans are a complete super food. Enriched with the right vitamins and proteins, it is a great food to increase your height. The rich minerals in beans help in the development of tissues and muscles, which can gradually help your height increase.
Peas – Peas are a great source of plant-based protein and are full of vitamins and minerals that help increase height. They also contain compounds that help in stimulate growth hormones.
Broccoli – Broccoli contains the potent combination of vitamin C and iron along with loads of fiber. It helps in the optimal functioning of the body also stimulating growth hormones.
Turnip – Here is why you need to add more veggies to your diet, not only they help you maintain your optimal health owing to their wide range of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but they also help balance and increase the growth hormones in our body.
Cow Milk – Love milk? Here are more reasons to like it even more, as it is rich in calcium and calcium is integral to the entire bone-making process. Also, it helps your bones stay strong. The vitamin A content, especially in the cow’s milk helps retain calcium in the body and helps utilize it to the maximum capacity. Make sure you add foods rich in vitamin D and magnesium too for proper absorption of calcium and for this the next food is particularly important.
Eggs – If you are having eggs every day for breakfast, you are doing the right thing as it will help you get you closer to your height goals. They are certainly the most popular foods on earth, period! They are, as we have mentioned before rich sources of calcium, vitamin D, and Also, it is super rich in protein content helping you build strong and healthy bones. Whichever way you like it, sunny side up, or boiled, make it part of your daily diet and you will soon see a tremendous impact on your health and your appearance.
Pumpkin Seeds – To increase the absorption of calcium in your body, make sure you add magnesium to your diet and pumpkin seeds are a very rich source of magnesium. They help in the development of strong bones and also strong teeth. These seeds although, tiny, pack an enormous punch, nutrition wise. These tiny seeds are also full of amino acids and help in height growth.
Soya Beans – The protein-rich soya beans are said to improve bone density which helps in their growth. Soybeans are terrific to keep your bones in great shape. Add at least 50 grams of soybeans to your diet every day.
Nuts – Nuts are oh-so-delicious and healthy and a perfect way to add crunch to your diet. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids and helps repair your body tissues bones and also helps your height to increase.
Fruits – Fruits are love and add more and more of it to your diet, fruits such as papaya, grapefruit, apricots mango, and passion fruit are a receptacle of powerful nutrients such as folates, vitamins, fiber, and all these nutrients help in growing your height with ease.
Whole grains – Whole grains are great for your optimal health. They help in stimulating bodily functions and also acts as a roughage, hence eliminating waste out of your body. So, ensure that you add whole grains to your diet every single day to ensure height growth.
Leafy Green Vegetables – Even if you hate green leafy veggies, there is no running away from them as they are just so good for your health and your height growth as well. They are a potent source of dietary fiber and vitamins and minerals that can help stimulate the growth hormones in the body and thus help in growing your height.
Carrots – Carrots deserves a different segment for itself as it is one of the most nutritious foods on earth, thanks to its rich content of two important vitamins, vitamin A, and These two nutrients help retain calcium in your bones and also helps in their growth. Three carrots a day can keep stunted growth away.