How to avoid the costs of outdated technology in the workplace

The costs of running a business can be quite high in the modern age. Especially as the cost of renting out an office, hiring employees, tax and all of that can be a small fortune in itself. So, can you really afford all of the issues that can come from outdated technology on top of these day to day costs? No, probably not.

With that in mind, here are the most effective ways for you to try and avoid the issues of outdated technology in your workplace.

Evaluate what you already have

So, now you have decided to be better when it comes to your technology, the first thing to do is to audit what you already have. This should include things like model numbers, release years and software installed. That way you can get a strong idea of just how well the equipment is likely to perform day to day. You may also want to question the most frequent user about any performance issues; i.e. is it slow, does it crash often or have any other issues worth noting.

In your audit, you may find that everything that you already have is up to scratch or doesn’t need much more in terms of upgrading. Which is great, but at least you have that answer to begin with.

Consider potential growth 

The growth of your business can sometimes rely on your technology. Or, at the very least, your willingness to invest in this side of things. As with anything, the money you are willing to put into your business, then the faster you are likely to see if start to grow. Which can be both a good thing or a bad, if you’re not prepared for such a growth.

Which is why investing in things vital to your business, such as technology, but not necessarily directly affecting growth can help your business. It can mean that your growth is much more organic, while your business is actually ready to sustain this growth instead of being overblown.

Business growth is complicated and relies on a number of outlier factors. It may mean a direct investment in equipment, or something more long term like app developer investment. But, you need to consider a number of factors in order to actually see this benefit your business in the long-term.

Don’t be cheap

What’s worse than outdated technology? Cheap technology.

It’s actually much more cost-effective to make sure that you have good technology from day one than to find yourself constantly upgrading to inferior products. Why? Well, one big investment can last you multiple years. While choosing the cheap option can see you buying new equipment more often, accumulating in the same cost or more of the original ‘expensive’ option.

Listen to complaints

If staff are complaining about your technology being outdated, even in small, niggling complaints, then chances are you have a big problem. Though perhaps not the level of complaints you would be expecting to deal with. The thing is that if your employees are complaining about anything, then you need to take heed and look to address the issues – don’t just give them the Aussie salute. Root problems often grow if left unchecked, so don’t let that happen.

Should staff complaints in regards to technology die down, then you have a bigger problem. This means they have become complacent with the subpar technology available to them. Meaning they will be working at a lower level, either in terms of ability (depending on your business niche) or regarding productivity.

Conduct regular tech audits

Though you may feel satisfied by the initial technical audit, once that’s over it’s not the end. Once you have done one audit you need to start scheduling in future audits, ensuring that they are completed on a regular basis running into infinity and beyond. No, really, that’s not an exaggeration. Your great-grandchildren should be working off of the audit schedule you integrated into the business (okay, that may be an exaggeration).

But, you should do these audits at least once a year – technology moves fast!

Final thoughts 

With that, you should have everything you need to help ensure you and your business work to avoid the long-term costs of outdated technology in your business. The

And by no means is technology the be-all and end-all of your business. But, it is important. This importance should not be overlooked or considered a separate thought, as doing so can put your business behind in terms of future growth.

Natalie Wilson
Natalie Wilson
Natalie Wilson is a freelance writer and avid decorator and interior designer. She loves discovering home renovation blogs and Instagram accounts and spending her free time shopping. She aims to buy her own home in the next year and begin her very own renovation project! You can connect with her on Twitter @NatWilson976.
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