The livestock exporter that was at the centre of the live exports scandal is now trying to resume their exporting via a subsidiary company.
In a scandal sparked by footage that showed more than 2000 sheep die from heat stress, Emanuel Exports had its licence temporarily suspended last month. It followed a major national debate about the ethics of live exports and the current way in which the industry was operating, with Labor at one point calling for a complete ban on the practise.
Now it seems that a company known as EMS exports, functionally owned and operated by Emmanuel Exports, is trying to apply for a live export permit from the Department of Agriculture. If successful, the sheep stranded in Australia under Emmanuel Exports can be shipped to the Middle East.
This would mean that the animals would be transported to their destination in the hottest part of summer, leading to fears that a large portion of the livestock will suffer and die on the journey.
The Al Shuwaikh, a livestock transport ship, have been anchored off the coastline for at least a week waiting for the ok to being exporting large amount of Australian sheep. The ship is now docked at Fremantle Port where materials are being taken aboard.
Graham Daws, a controversial live export leader, has also left Emmanuel Exports’ board of directors. However, Mr Daws remains a shareholder in the company.
The company is now headed by his son, Nicholas Daws, who has so far declined to comment on the development.
It is speculated that at around 45,000 of 60,000 sheep that were set to leave the port of Fremantle would be transported to Qatar if EMS exports is granted a permit by the Department of Agriculture.
The remainder of the sheep would follow on a second shipment.
The reduction in numbers transported reflects the recommendations of the veterinarian who audited the live export industry. The review recommended that there was increased space for sheep and that there should be a reduction in transported numbers during the hottest parts of summer.
The Department of Agriculture confirmed that it was aware of the exporter’s intention to continue exporting livestock to the Middle East. It said that the application would be assessed on how well the exporter was following the new industry guidelines.