Certificate IV in Crime and Justice Studies

Certificate IV in Crime and Justice Studies

The sometimes blinkered view of vocational education is that it essentially provides training for students wanting to go into traditional, mainstream occupations like business, management or hospitality. More adventurous training organisations, such as Prestige Service Training, are offering an ever-increasing array of qualifications designed to cater for all areas of potential employment; a Certificate IV in Crime and Justice Studies is one of these and is proving to be very popular.

At first glance it may appear that Crime and Justice Studies would be just for those who want to go on to become lawyers, but this is not so. At Certificate IV level it is a mid-level qualification and is a great grounding course for anyone looking to go into the criminal justice system. There is an impressive array of occupations that this qualification is suitable for including the Queensland Police, justice-related occupations, corrective services roles, legal offices, customs service, security, private investigations, youth justice and legal centres.

It is envisaged that in Australia there will be a significant increase in police numbers over the next five years and so it is timely that Prestige Service Training (PST) has now included this qualification in its expanding portfolio of courses. The Certificate IV in Crime and Justice Studies was designed in conjunction with the Queensland Police, but the qualification is recognised Australia-wide. Given that it is at Certificate IV level it is immediately at the target level of high school students, and for those thinking of joining the police it must surely be an excellent way of finding out what the job might entail, before taking the plunge and joining up. Additionally, and most importantly, the successful completion of this course certainly gives potential police recruits an edge for selection.

Tracy Kearney, CEO and Founder of PST, says that “The certificate allows a student to balance studies with practical and transferable skills. Students will learn how to research, analyse and present information relevant to the criminal justice system, identify and apply the legal framework and principles of evidence law and develop hands-on abilities like preparing documentation for court proceedings. All in all, this is a fantastic opportunity for high school students and career-changers to get a sound broad-based qualification that can kick-start their career in a justice-related profession. The Crime and Justice industry is growing and we certainly aim to keep up to speed with, and exceed, market needs.”

It could be due to the extensive news coverage in Australia of crime reportage that highlights the police or the justice system in action, or maybe it is the popularity of shows such as CSI, but there is a growing interest in the crime and justice and with that a curiosity of what a career in that sector might entail. A Certificate IV in Crime and Justice Studies is a practical and empowering way of finding out.

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