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Building on acreage and embracing a tree change: finding bliss in regional living

In pursuit of a more fulfilling and harmonious lifestyle, many individuals and families are opting to build their homes on acreage in regional areas....

Unlocking relationship potential: discover the 6 powerful benefits of couples therapy

How can counselling help a broken relationship? Counselling, also known as couples therapy, can often be seen as a last resort when a relationship reaches...

How a swimming pool can transform school holidays for your family

School holidays are a much-awaited time for families. With no homework or school schedules to follow, it's the perfect opportunity for parents and kids...

5 Main benefits of and your guide for using a standing desk

As the world has turned more to desk jobs with the advent of technology in the majority of industries, some strange problems have made...

The ultimate saving tool of frugal shoppers: online grocery catalogues

All the major stores you can think of in Australia have online catalogues. Grocery stores like Woolworths, Coles, IGA and others regularly publish these...

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Have you become too dependent on technology?

Nearly three-quarters of the US population agree that they have become excessively reliant on the latest, technologically advanced gadgets. The scenario is roughly the...

Tips and tricks for buying the best engagement rings in Australia

Buying an engagement ring is an investment, not only from the financial angle but also the planning and thought that goes into it. After...

Where to get a hot water cylinder in New Zealand

Having a reliable supply of hot water is essential for homes and businesses alike. There’s nothing worse than having a freezing cold shower in...