Below is a list of the top and leading Schools in Newcastle. To help you find the best Schools located near you in Newcastle, we put together our own list based on this rating points list.
Newcastle’s Best Schools:
The top rated Schools in Newcastle are:
- St. Joseph’s Primary School
- Newcastle Waldorf School
- Hunter Christian School
St. Joseph’s Primary School
St. Joseph’s Primary School is situated near the beaches and the city of Newcastle, Saint Joseph’s Merewether has a rich historical and social fabric. Located in an area known as The Junction, Saint Joseph’s owes much of its ethos to the Sisters of Saint Joseph. In the spirit of Mary MacKillop and Tenison Woods the school, in co-operation with the Newcastle parish, reaches out to bring meaning and purpose to its community in the light of the Gospel Values.
At St. Joseph’s Primary School, through Jesus Christ they Learn, love and live the truth.
STEM, Virtual Academy, Inquisitive Minds, Choir and Band, Sport, Library
Address: Farquhar St, Merewether NSW 2291
Phone: (02) 4961 2827
“Great school and teachers.” – D. Smith
Newcastle Waldorf School
Newcastle Waldorf School – Steiner education and teaching is based on the understanding of the human being comprised of body, soul and spirit. The whole of the human being is taken into consideration and education is thus viewed as an ‘art’. The spiritual should not be neglected for the physical nor the physical neglected for the spiritual. The practices are based on reality and life: the whole child (thinking, feeling, and willing) discovers truth, beauty and goodness by making use of everything that is pictorial and tangible. This transpires naturally through the child’s innate devotion and reverence of nature and the cosmos and comes into expression through art, music, language, fairy tales, poems and games.
The kindergarten years correspond to the period of intense physical growth, organ and muscle development. This is supported through imitation and ‘good’ will activities in a rhythmically structured day. The class teacher is able to nurture the primary years, where the child’s emotions, imagination and feelings are emerging, through focusing on ‘beauty’ in artistic learning. In high school, the students’ minds are sensitively opening to their world and their lessons involve greater thinking responsibilities and discoveries of the ‘truth’. The curriculum based on Steiner’s indications is responsive to the needs of the developmental phases of a child’s life, giving particular emphasis to creating healthy foundations that support all the aspects of the growing child. The curriculum strives to develop individuals who are able to feel, think and act out of their own initiative so that they fulfill their potential in whatever purpose and direction they choose in life.
Kindergarten, Primary, High School, Years 11 & 12, Indigenous Culture, Naplan, Excursions
Address: 30 Reservoir Rd, Glendale NSW 2285
Phone: (02) 4954 4853
“Awesome programs. Highly recommended.” – Diana F.
Hunter Christian School
Hunter Christian School – Every student has been created unique, valuable beyond measure and called to their God-given purpose. They encourage their students to live authentically, think deeply, serve selflessly and stand together. They are gentle but powerful. Kind but brave.
They guide and serve them as they teach them to guide and serve others. They teach persistence and model integrity. They ignite their love of learning and develop their individual gifts, so they may rise into adulthood as purposeful, capable and compassionate leaders. Leaders equipped with the purpose and capacity to transform their world into a better place.
They have the highest honor and the greatest responsibility, to empower every child to live life in all its fullness. Their passion is to provide opportunities, inspire possibilities and nurture every child, to draw out infinite minds, noble hearts and able hands.
Pre Kinder, Primary, Secondary, Vocational Education, Sports & Physical Wellbeing
Address: Kerr St & Bull St, Mayfield NSW 2304
Phone: (02) 4967 2111
“Welcoming community focused. Education that is personalised for each student’s needs.” – Heather Malone