Audrey Klai talks about her approach to ThetaHealing meditation

Audrey Klai talks about her approach to ThetaHealing meditation
Founder of Quintta Dimensão Institute, Audrey Klai. Photo: Supplied

Audrey Klai is an accredited ThetaHealer and founder of the Quintta Dimensão Institute. Her ThetaHealing website gives an explanation of the technique and how it can help people to both identify and change problematic beliefs that are holding them back in life.

Audrey answered some questions about her website and background.

Audrey, what is your background?

I grew up in a holistic environment, my mother is an astrologer and from an early age I accompanied her into her work. People came from far away to consult her in search of answers, on which way to go.

Although my mother is an excellent pro, I never agreed to that. I thought that if you consult someone about which decision to make is to relinquish your personal power, that is to exclude yourself from any responsibility.

I am Capricorn, and astrology defines a Capricorn as an extremely rational person, who searches structures to consolidate. And in fact, when I enrolled in the law course, my intention was to have a solid background, with structures and processes. Besides, it would be a way to make the better world, with more equality.

However, in the third year of law course, I felt I was missing something, and simultaneously started studying psychology, but it was not enough. My holistic and esoteric thinking, was not appropriate in law courses. So, I just chose to study law, and I did.

I graduated and was approved in OAB (it’s a brazilian that someone takes to become licensed to practice law – very similar to “BAR” exam).

After that, I studied for two years for a renowned public career.  While studying, and dedicating myself as a professional, I realized that I was forgetting my personal life, about who I really was.

At this point, I decided to enroll in a ThetaHealing course and suddenly everything started to make sense. I specialize in this area and have been looking for complementary studies, such as coaching, hypnosis, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), everything involving mental reprogramming and energetic healing.

How did you get involved in Quintta Dimensao?

After getting to know the ThetaHealing technique, and its methodology of access to the unconscious, I was completely enamored with the approach, assertiveness, delicacy, objectivity and how we can achieve fast results.

But that feeling of “missing something” remained, I didn’t want to simply disclose a technique of mental reprogramming and energetic healing, I would like to contribute with all the information I had available, my intention in creating the “Quintta Dimensão Institute” was to put into practice what I learned and closely follow the development of each person who consulted me.

Each person is a universe of possibilities, beliefs and stories, and the Quintta Dimensão Institute has this mission: to allow each one to have your own happy ending.

It was then, that I invited my mother to establish together an Institute of Self Knowledge and Self Development. She would work on techniques like Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Aura Reading, and I, with studies like quantum physics, and energy healing.

It was easy and enjoyable to realize that together, each within your area, we have created not only an Institute, but a community, people interested and engaged, and with much in common, around these sciences.

Precisely for this reason, we share our knowledge not only through the courses and consultations we offer, but also on the internet, through our website, our Youtube channel that has more than 15 thousand subscribers, Facebook and Instagram.

What is the major point of differentiation between your business and others in the industry?

I would like people to know that first of all, I’m a well credentialed thetahealer.

I hold a number of certificates from several ThetaHealing Courses, such as “Basic DNA”, “Advanced DNA”,  “Soul Mate” , “Manifesting and Abundance”, “Intuitive Anatomy”, “Rhythm to a Perfect Weight”.

The major intention of our institute is to demystify, bring all theoretical teaching, 100% to practice. You do not have to be spiritual or “Zen” to benefit from energetic healing. Just as you do not need to understand the law of gravity before you fall.

I believe that this is our greatest differential, to explore an energetic technique with solid structures, with bases of quantum physics. Get out of subjectivism and show how to apply energy in a practical way in your life and in your favor.

When you say that someone has “good vibrations,” you are really talking about the vibrational energy of that person – happy people vibrate at a higher frequency.

The places also have vibration. When you enter a room where a fight has just happened, you may feel a dense energy that makes you want to leave immediately. The beach has a vibration of light due to salt (a natural energy cleaner) and the movement of the air. The air on the beach also vibrates at a higher frequency.

Since then, working for more than 4 years, attending consultations and teaching courses, I say that experience counts a lot, but each individual is unique, and is an infinite universe. And this universe must be respected, appreciated, in our institute every person is important, we do not care about quantity but quality.

Every life impacts other dozens of life, if a person has a better self development and there is a positive transformation, other universes will also be impacted. That is our greatest reward, after all, according to quantum physics, we are all connected.

How does Thetahealing work?

Thetahealing works in a practical, direct and objective way. I say that it is highly precise and surgical. We live our life on autopilot, we feel anxiety, fear, discouragement and often we do not even know the cause.

ThetaHealing is a meditative technique conducted while the client and practitioner are in a theta brainwave state – an altered consciousness where brainwaves are slowed to a relaxed mode.

Through ThetaHealing is possible to reprogram limiting beliefs stored in subconscious – and teach the corresponding feelings one hesitate to feel – through connection to a higher power or divine energy.

Nowadays time means money and people avoid spending time with themselves, they do not know each other.  I really like to ask this question in my consultations: “Who are you?” And I see that many people of different age groups have difficulty knowing who they are. You may begin by saying that you are such occupation, of such age, etc. But, really, who are you?

That is, for a many reasons, whether for the rush, the stress of everyday life, they don’t know and live a life that is not theirs, they live the life they were “taught” to live, perhaps by their parents, or even by society. They always do the same things, and do not pay attention. The brain is used to follow the same protocol, over and over.

And the Thetahealing, with this methodology of access to the unconscious, lets you know what your beliefs are, which you can not imagine having. To seek for self-knowledge, brings prosperity, fulfillment and happiness to the human being.

It is important to stress that energy healing is a complementary modality that should not exclude any Western medicine.

Who should people choose your services?

ThetaHealing, by its an energetic healing technique, is indicated to all ages, beliefs and religions, the only exception are pregnant up to 3 months, because it is a delicate period and considered sensitive to gestation.

You do not have to be an “Osho Lover” to do Thetahealing, or be Catholic, you do not even have to believe in God.

But you need to be aware that everything in the universe, according to quantum physics, is composed of atoms, and these atoms vibrate at an energetic frequency.

Your perception (based on your life history, beliefs, values) will rule your reality, every thought has a vibratory range, and if you master your thoughts, if you know exactly what you want, and who you are, you will have total control and access to the reality you wish.

The person who wants to have more self-knowledge, self-development, get out of auto-pilot, eliminate the role of victim and become the protagonist of his/hers own life, renouncing old standards, is exactly the right one for the technique.

Not only because I put together several techniques in my curriculum and I feel highly qualified, but because I have also been in the role of not knowing myself, and when I really noticed myself, everything changed.

I really value giving back to my community. I’m an active on Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook, I love to share the knowledge. So when you hire me, personally you’re getting to engage a great ThetaHealer who really does care about you and the community that you live in.

How are you planning to expand/improve Quintta Dimensao in the future?

The main mission of the Quintta Dimension Institute is to bring knowledge in a solid and structured way to all our students and clients.

Currently we have invested in our social media channels (Youtube and Instagram) so, the information reaches people who want to know better themselves.

However, for those who are currently unable to invest in therapy or individualized monitoring, have the possibility to access the free content that I offer.

We aim to expand our Institute, through courses, and meditation trips.  Our focus is offer the best training. Coaching great professional is our greatest legacy, after all, each life will impact in hundreds of other lives.

In addition, we look forward to improve the Institute through feedback from our students and patients. Here, every voice is heard, and together we form a single voice: the self-knowledge and fulfillment one.

We are planting a little seed, and we know that, day by day, improving every human being individually, we are building a better society, and changing the world for better. That’s our mission.

By Christian Woods

Christian is a morning reporter and technology columnist for Best in Australia. Christian has worked in the media since 2000, in a range of locations. He joined Best in Australia in 2018, and began working in Melbourne in 2019.

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