Airbnb virtual reality feature will make your traveling much easier

airbnb virtual reality feature
Airbnb is helping renters and travelers with their new virtual reality feature. Photo: Melanie Lemahieu, Bigstock

Airbnb virtual reality feature will soon become a part of their website. The company revealed on their blog that they will soon introduce virtual and augmented reality to help users during their booking and renting process.

In the last couple of years, the popular renting website reached global popularity thanks to its original concept and prices suited for every budget.

The idea of renting out your home or a part of your property on the rent-per-night basis made traveling plans less stressful and much easier. Hosts can simply post their properties for rent while guests are able to easily browse by location and automatically see available dates, prices, and reviews.

And now, with the upcoming VR features, Airbnb is looking to set a new standard in online renting experience.

VR feature would build trust between Airbnb hosts and guests

Travelling to foreign cities and countries is always exciting. However, when traveling to the desired destination we can’t help but wonder if everything will go as planned and if our accommodation lives up to certain standards.

Getting a real feeling of the reserved property before actually stepping into it, could significantly reduce the stress and anxiety. And that’s exactly what Airbnb is trying to do.

Their goal is to use 360-degree photos and three-dimensional scans to help users gain a better sense of the actual space. In addition, the company aims to use augmented reality overlays to helps potential guests better understand the place they are renting.

The team behind the Airbnb has been working on prototypes and has already started conducting experiments. They hope that the new features will bring value to both sides, making guests and hosts satisfied with the renting outcome.

Airbnb virtual reality could help you plan your trip

Users will be able to take their travel planning process to a higher level, by connecting closer to their desired destination and host.

Features like 3D scans and 360 photos will allow the user to get the real feeling of the home or the area, to find out what to expect and how to orient in the surroundings of their desired location. Airbnb also pointed out situations where augmented reality mind really come handy.

For example, if you are staying in a foreign country, with a very limited foreign language knowledge or no knowledge at all, you mind find your first interaction with the rented property difficult. Small things like unlocking the door or figuring the hot water might seem confusing.

The company believes that augmented reality comes handy in these situations and the technology allows us to easily recognise our surroundings and provide information on how to navigate around the property or instantly translating the unknown terms and instructions.

Although virtual tours have been present in the real estate world, integrating them to a complex website such as Airbnb might not be as simple as expected. While hosts could easily record their property with 360 cameras, integrating the actual AR concept to the actual listings might be challenging.

By Tatjana Milcic

Originally from Belgrade, Serbia but now based in Sydney, she is a writer and a digital marketer but also a true Star Wars fan, who lives and breathes everything digital. Contact: [email protected]

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