5 Best Acupuncture in Geelong, VIC

Looking for Best Acupuncture in Geelong? Here is a list of theĀ top Acupuncture in Geelong offering services like:

Holistic approach of Sciatica, Frozen Shoulder, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Disc Herniation, Piriformis Syndrome, Knee and Neck Pain, Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Acromioclavicular Joint Sprain, Diarrhoea, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia & Fertility, Migraine Prophylaxis, Headache, Acute and Chronic Lower Back Pain, Allergic Rhinitis, Knee Osteoarthritis, Nausea and Vomiting, Post-Operative Pain, Acute Stroke, Ambulatory Anaesthesia, Constipation, Hypertension, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Sports Injuries, Digestive Issues, Addiction, Limber Joints, Muscles Loosen, Skin Problem, Quit Smoking, Acne, Psoriasis, Scar Repair, Plump Wrinkles Eczema, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Infertility, Asthma, Weight Loss, andĀ  Panic Attacks.

The top Acupuncture in GeelongĀ are:

  1. ACUPUNCTURE GEELONG ā€“ full range of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  2. PAUL MCLEODā€™S AUSTRALIAN ACUPUNCTURE CENTRE ā€“ offers educational programs in the form of internships
  3. WHITE TIGER THERAPEUTICS ā€“ combination of Chinese Medicine and Qigong



Website: www.acugeelong.com
Phone: 0434 864 418
Address: 1 Watson Avenue, Belmont, Geelong, VIC 3216

ACUPUNCTURE GEELONG provides a full range of traditional Chinese treatment. China has been practising and enjoying the benefits of acupuncture. They have thousands of years to prove its efficacy. The concept of traditional Chinese medicine revolves around the balance of yin and yang. When an energetic balance is attained, a healthy body is achieved. This rehabilitates the bodyā€™s harmony and relationships. Acupuncture Geelong detects patterns of disharmony. This is when a person loses the balance of their bodily processes. The clinic, however, does its best to craft a corrective action that would alleviate or totally remove the imbalance. Pain and discomforts are felt when the imbalances are left uncorrected.





Website: www.australianacupuncturecentre.com.au
Phone:Ā 03 5298 1213
Address: 3/153 Shannon Avenue, Manifold Heights, Geelong, VIC 3218


PAUL MCLEODā€™S AUSTRALIAN ACUPUNCTURE CENTRE caters to Chinese traditional medicine needs in that part of Geelong. It is a multi-bed facility that specializes in diagnosis and treatment using authentic Chinese methods. Their services are not only limited to acupuncture, massage, Chinese herbal medicine, moxibustion, diet therapy, and TCM exercise. These treatments are meant to target specific points that are causing imbalances to the patientā€™s homeostasis. They are carried out in a manner that upholds customer service and outstanding patient management. AAC is also offering competent intern opportunities for fresh graduates of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. At the acupuncture clinic, they are given the chance to apply what they have learned in various traditional medicine schools in Australia.





Website: www.whitetigertherapeutics.com.au
Phone: 0352 226 868
Address: 291 Latrobe Terrace, Geelong, VIC 3220

WHITE TIGER THERAPEUTICS is managed by one of its founder Dr Kerry Posniak. Dr Kerry is a practitioner that specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The clinic started its operation in 2005 at Melbourne but later on transferred to Geelong. Its name signifies the white tiger in Chinese tradition. The white tiger is believed to be the guardian of the west and symbolizes feminine empowerment. Furthermore, it also applies to the mission of the clinic. Their mission is to perform Chinese medicine treatments and Qigong that includes a detailed plan. Services offered are modern acupuncture, meditations, Chinese herbal supplements and meditation. Dr Kerry can also aid in the management of stress, depression and anxiety, as well as addiction and quitting smoking.

Monica Turner
Monica Turner
Monica is a reporter and business columnist for Best in Australia. She covers business news, start-ups and does research about new businesses in Australia.
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