Everything you need to know about PGP Australia

Knowing what you want to do after completing university can be challenging. This is made no easier by the fact that so many people are in the same position, and hundreds of students are applying for the same job. It is for this reason that PGP Australia offers Premium Graduate Placements.

These jobs can offer students the opportunity to kick start their career and gain valuable industry experience. However, for many students, there are still so many unknowns when it comes to these positions. If you find yourself in this situation, fear not, here is everything you need to know about Premium Graduate Placements.

What PGP Australia does?

Although PGP Australia – also known as Premium Graduate Placements are regularly spoken about, especially at schools and universities, many student don’t actually know what they are. There are so many myths surrounding these positions and it can sometimes be challenging to decipher the truth from the lies. PGP Australia offer jobs for students who have recently, or will soon be finishing their studies.

With so many people opting to go to university or perusing higher education, the job market is incredibly competitive; therefore, it is important to stand out from everyone else applying for the same job as you. One of the best ways to set yourself apart from the hundreds of other people with the same degree as you is by having experience. But this leads to the question ‘how do I get experience without someone employing me?’ The simple answer lies in Premium Graduate Placements. Essentially, businesses who partake in PGP Australia hire students who have recently acquired their qualifications but have little to no experience in the world of work.

Is PGP Australia the same as an internship?

Premium Graduate Placements are much more robust than the typical internship, with a great deal of preparation and supervision involved. Participants of Premium Graduate Placements enjoy a huge amount of support both before, during and after their internship in order to ensure they get the most out of it.

The PGP team will be able to help you find the perfect position for you, and ensure that you have the opportunity to learn whilst gaining valuable experience. If you are considering applying for a Premium Graduate Placement, you will need to be prepared to dedicate time and energy to the position and be willing to learn.

Who can apply for PGP Australia positions?

Student working at PGP Australia
Photo: StartupStockPhotos, Pixabay

As the name suggests PGP Australia is aimed at students and those who are close to finishing their studies. In order for a job to be considered as a Premium Graduate Placement, the minimum application requirement needs to include a degree. The aim of these positions is to help recently qualified students begin their career. Due to this, if you wish to apply, you need to have either completed a degree, or be close to completing it.

Many students make the mistake of thinking that it is only possible to apply for these positions in their third year. This is completely untrue. It is possible to apply for one of these positions at any point after completing your studies. If you miss out during your third year, you have not missed your chance, and there is still plenty of time for you to apply for Premium Graduate jobs.

What are the benefits of PGP Australia positions?

It is obvious that these positions are one of the best ways to kick start your career, gain experience and get you acclimatised to the working environment. What you may not know is that PGP Australia has many other benefits alongside this.

Studying is one thing, but choosing a specific sector or industry that you are interested in can be really challenging. Realistically, not many people know exactly what they want to do before they complete their education. This is where Premium Graduate comes in handy; with these positions, you will have the opportunity to work for a large company work in a range of departments. This will help you to understand what you enjoy and what you are good at and should give you the insight you need to decide exactly what career path you hope to peruse.

Another benefit PGP Australia schemes is that you will not be expected to know everything straight away; the entire point is for you to learn. As a result of this you will find that you have plenty of support and guidance. As you progress, your confidence will grow and the employer may begin to give you more responsibility; but that will all come in time. These positions allow you to ask questions and learn without judgement or expectation. Depending on the company you work for, you may also find that you are offered career development planning and the chance to undertake additional training.

Is a Premium Graduate Placement right for me?

PGP Australia and hard working students
Photo: StartupStockPhotos, Pixabay

If you are a student, or have recently completed your degree, PGP Australia might be the best way to advance your career. It will give you the chance to get your foot in the door, make valuable industry connections and learn skills that you can take with you to help you find a permanent position.

If you are looking for a secure position with the potential for career growth, then a Premium Graduate Placement is for you. Pursuing an internship via PGP Australia will put you in the best possible position to make your mark in your preferred industry and start putting your university education to use.

What industries does PGP Australia offer?

One of the best things about Premium Graduate Placements is that they are available in almost every industry. So regardless of what sector interests you, PGP Australia will offer multiple jobs for you to apply for. Some of the most common industries include IT, marketing, engineering, law, media and science. Basically, there is something to suit every student. All you have to do is choose your industry based on your interests and start searching for positions in that area.

How do I begin applying for a Premium Graduate job?

PGP Australia
Photo: rawpixel, Pixabay

Due to the popularity of PGP Australia, these jobs are competitive. It is for this reason that you need to be properly prepared before you even begin applying. The best way of doing this is by researching available jobs in order to understand the minimum application requirements. If you meet these requirements, it is possible for you to prepare to apply, if not, you may need to work on getting further qualifications.

In order to make your application stand out to any potential employers, you should consider tailoring your resume to suit the job. Don’t forget that your resume is the first impression potential employers will get, so you want to make sure you impress. Read through the job description and pick out key words and phrases to use throughout your resume. Try to only include relevant information; the people going through your application are unlikely to want to read about your hobbies that don’t apply to the position.

Once your resume is concise, informative and relevant to the position, you will need to start planning your cover letter. This is your chance to really sell yourself and explain why you are the best person for the job. In order to do this, explain why your studies are relevant to the position and why your personal attributes are well suited to the company.

One of the major differences between PGP and other internship providers it that PGP will help you will this entire process. The team at PGP understand that the better your application is, the more likely you are to get the job.

Rebecca Kellett
Rebecca Kelletthttps://bestinau.com.au
Rebecca is a writer and an editor at 'Best in Australia' who has written on a range of topics. She is enthusiastic and passionate with an interest in food, health, entertainment and politics. She is the editor responsible for our health section.
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